Super Resolution

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OpenVINO optimizer Latent Diffusion Models (LDM) for super-resolution

April 23, 2023

OpenVINO optimizer Latent Diffusion Models(LDM) for super-resolution


A computer vision approach called image super-resolution aims to increase the resolution of low-resolution images so that they are clearer and more detailed. Applicationsfor super-resolution include the processing of medical images, surveillancefootage, and satellite images. 

Figure1-super-resolution effect display

The LDM (LatentDiffusion Models) Super Resolution model, a deep learning-based approach to photo super-resolution, was developed by the Hugging Face Research team. The residual network (ResNet) architecture, a type of convolutional neural network(CNN) created to address the issue of vanishing gradients in deep neuralnetworks.

Diffusion models are generative models,meaning that they are used to generate data similar to the data on which they are trained. Fundamentally, Diffusion Models work by destroying training data through the successive addition of Gaussian noise, andthen learning to recover the data by reversing this noising process. After training, we can use the Diffusion Model to generatedata by simply passing randomly sampled noise through the learned denoising process.

Figure2-Diffusion Models can be used to generate images from noise

Diffusion Model is a latent variable model which maps to the latent space using a fixed Markov chain. This chain gradually adds noise to thedata in order to obtain the approximate posterior.

Figure3-The Markov chain is manifested for image data

Ultimately, the image is asymptotically transformed to pure Gaussian noise. The goal of training a diffusion model is to learn the reverse process. By traversing backward along this chain, we can generate new data.

Figure4-The process for new image data generation by diffusion


-      Optimum-intel Optimum Intel is the interface betweenthe HuggingFace Transformers and Diffusers libraries and the differenttools and libraries provided by Intel to accelerate end-to-end pipelines onIntel architectures.
Intel Neural Compressor is an open-source library enabling the usageof the most popular compression techniques such as quantization, pruning and knowledge distillation

-      OpenVINO™ is an open-sourcetoolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference which can boost deep learningperformance in computer vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing and other common task.

-      optimum-intel==1.5.2(include openvino)

   - openvino

    - openvino-dev

-      diffusers

-      pytorch >= 1.9.1

-      onnx >= 1.13.0

Reference: optimum-intel-ldm-super-resolution-4x

QuickStart Demo

Original repo is from HuggingFace CompVis/ldm-super-resolution-4x-openimages,we are reference to build our pipeline to implement super-resolution related function.

Figure5-The super resolution pipeline from huggingface

To transformand acceleration optimize the pipeline by openvino, there are 3 steps need to do.

-      Step1. Install the requirement package and initial environment.

-      Step2. Convert original model to openvino IR model.

-      Step3. Build OpenVINO super resolution pipeline.

Now, Let’s start with the content of our tutorial.


Step 1. Install the requirementpackage and initial environment  

OpenVINO has the standard installation process, we can directly refer tothe official OpenVINO documentation to install.

Reference: Install OpenVINO by source code for Linux

Reference: Install OpenVINO by release package

Optimum Intel also can refer the standard guide.

Reference: Optimum-intel install guide

(Optional) Install the latest stable release by pipe :

   # pip install openvino, openvino-dev

   # pip install"optimum[openvino,nncf]"

Step 2. Convert originalmodel to OpenVINO IR model

Firstly, run pipe the HuggingFace pipeline, it will automate download the models, and we need to convert them from pytorch->onnx->IR, to enable the model by OpenVINO.

Figure6-OpenVINO enable HuggingFace model (pytorch base) workflow

The LDM (LatentDiffusion Models) Super Resolution model has two part of sub-models: unet and vqvae,we should convert each of them in to IR model.

Figure7-OpenVINO enable super resolution pipeline workflow

The reference source code for model convert,also we provide the script in the GitHub repo :

Initial parameter and the ov-pipeline

Figure8-Initial parameter and ov-pipeline

Unet sub-model convert to IR

Figure9-Unet sub-model convert to IR

Vqvae sub-model convert to IR

Figure10-Vqvae sub-model convert to IR

Step 3. Build OpenVINOsuper resolution pipeline

The LDM (Latent Diffusion Models) Super Resolution OpenVINO pipeline main function part code, the whole pipeline script is provided in GitHub repo:

Figure11-ov pipeline main function code

Inference Result  

Figure12-Super resolution effect display


Deploy End to End Super-Resolution Pipeline with OpenVINO™ Model Server

April 6, 2023


In this blog, we will show how to deploy an end-to-end super-resolution pipeline by leveraging OpenVINOTM Model Server with Demultiplexing in DAG and Custom Node features.

OpenVINOTM Model Server (OVMS) is a high-performance system for serving models that uses the same architecture and API as TensorFlow Serving and KServe while applying OpenVINOTM for inference execution. It is implemented in C++ for scalability and optimized for deployment on intel architectures.

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is an OVMS feature that controls the execution of an entire graph of interconnected models defined within the OVMS configuration. The DAG scheduler makes it possible to create a pipeline of models for execution in the server with a single client request.

During the pipeline execution, it is possible to split a request with multiple batches into a set of branches with a single batch. Internally, OVMS demultiplexer will divide the data, process them in parallel and combine the results.

The custom node in OVMS simplifies linking deep learning models into complete pipeline. Custom node can be used to implement all operations on the data which cannot be handled by the neural network model. It is represented by a C++ dynamic library implementing OVMS API defined in custom_node_interface.h.

Super-Resolution Pipeline Workflow

Figure1 shows the super-resolution pipeline in a flowchart, where we use "demultiply_counter=3" without loss of generality. The whole pipeline starts with input data from the Request node via gRPC calls. Batched input data with 5D shape(3,1,3,270,480) is split into a single batch by the DAG demultiplexer. Each single batch of data is fed into a custom node for image preprocessing. The two outputs of the custom node serve as inputs for model A inference. In the end, all inference results are gathered as output C, which will be sent by the Response node to the client via gRPC calls.

Figure 1: Super-Resolution Pipeline Workflow in OpenVINO™ Model Server

Here is an example configuration for the super-resolution pipeline deployed with OVMS.

    "model_config_list": [
            "config": {
                "name": "single-image-super-resolution",
                "base_path": "/models/super_resolution_model_preprocessed/",
                "nireq": 1,
                "plugin_config": {
                    "NUM_STREAMS": "1",
                    "INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT": "bf16",
                    "AFFINITY": "CORE"
    "custom_node_library_config_list": [
            "name": "sr_preprocess",
            "base_path": "/models/"
    "pipeline_config_list": [
            "name": "super_resolution",
            "inputs": [
            "demultiply_count": -1,
            "nodes": [
                    "name": "sr_preprocess_node",
                    "library_name": "sr_preprocess",
                    "type": "custom",
                    "params": {
                        "image_preprocess_method": "SimpleResize",
                        "debug": "false",
                    "inputs": [
                            "image": {
                                "node_name": "request",
                                "data_item": "data"
                    "outputs": [
                            "data_item": "out1",
                            "alias": "output1"
                            "data_item": "out2",
                            "alias": "output2"
                    "name": "super_resolution_node",
                    "model_name": "single-image-super-resolution",
                    "type": "DL model",
                    "inputs": [
                            "0": {
                                "node_name": "sr_preprocess_node",
                                "data_item": "output1"
                            "1": {
                                "node_name": "sr_preprocess_node",
                                "data_item": "output2"
                    "outputs": [
                            "data_item": "129",
                            "alias": "super_resolution_output"
            "outputs": [
                    "129": {
                        "node_name": "super_resolution_node",
                        "data_item": "super_resolution_output"

“pipeline_config_list” contains super-resolution pipeline information, data enter from the “request” node, flow to “sr_preprocess_node” for image preprocessing, generated two outputs will serve as inputs in “super_resolution_node” for inference, gathered inference results will be returned by “response” node.

  • "demultiply_count": acceptable input data batch size when Demultiplexing in DAG feature enabled, “demultiply_count” with value -1 means OVMS can accept dynamic batch input data.

“model_config_list”: contains the basic configuration for super-resolution deep learning model and OpenVINOTM CPU plugin configuration.

  • "nireq": set number of infer requests used in OVMS server for deep learning model
  • "NUM_STREAMS": set number of streams used in the CPU plugin
  • "INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT": option to select preferred inference precision in CPU plugin. We can set "INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT":bf16 on the Xeon platform that supports BF16 precision, such as the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor (formerly codenamed Sapphire Rapids). Otherwise, we should set "INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT":f32 as the default value.

“custom_node_library_config_list”: contains the name and path of the custom node dynamic library

Image Preprocessing with libvips in Custom Node

In this blog, we use a single-image-super-resolution model from Open Model Zoo for the super-resolution pipeline. The model requires two inputs according to the model specification. The first input is the original image (shape [1,3,270,480]). The second input is a 4x resized image with bicubic interpolation (shape [1,3,1080,1920]). Both input images expected color space is BGR. Therefore, image preprocessing for input image is required.

Figure2: Custom Node for Image Preprocessing in the Super-Resolution Pipeline

Figure2 shows the custom node designed for image preprocessing in the super-resolution pipeline. The custom node takes the original input image as input data. At first, input data is assigned to output 1 without modification. Besides, the input data is resized 4x with bicubic interpolation and assigned as output 2. The two outputs are passed to the model node for inference. For image processing in the custom node, we utilize libvips – an open-source image processing library that is designed to be fast and efficient with low memory usage. Please see the detailed custom node implementation in super_resolution_nhwc.cpp.

Although libvips is very sufficient for image processing operations with less memory, libvips does not provide functionality for layout (NCHW->NHWC) and color space (RGB->BGR) conversion, which is required by the super-resolution model as inputs. Instead, we can integrate layout and color space conversion into models using OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API.

Integrate Preprocessing with OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API

OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API allows adding custom preprocessing steps into the execution graph of OpenVINOTM models.

Here is a sample code to integrate layout (NCHW-> NHWC) and color space (BRG->RGB) conversion into the super-resolution model with OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API.

from openvino.runtime import Core, Layout, Type, serialize
from openvino.preprocess import ColorFormat, PrePostProcessor

core = Core()
input_tensor_name_1 = "0"

model_path = "./super_resolution/1/single-image-super-resolution-1032.xml"
model = core.read_model(model_path)
ppp = PrePostProcessor(model)
# Input 1
model =

In the code snippet above, we first load the original model and initialize the PrePostProcessor object with the original model. Then we modify the model's 1st input element type to “uint8”, change the color format from the default “BGR” to “RGB”, and set the layout from “NCHW” to “NHWC”. In the end, we build a new model and serialize it on the disk. The whole model preprocessing can be done offline, please find details in

Build Model Server Docker Image for Super-Resolution Pipeline

Build OVMS docker image with custom node

git clone -b super_resolution_demo
cd model_server
IMAGE_TAG_SUFFIX=-sr make docker_build

Copy compiled custom nodes library to the “models” directory

cp src/custom_nodes/lib/ubuntu/  models/

Setup client environment

cd models
pip install -r requirement.txt
sudo apt-get install libvips libjpeg-turbo8-dev

Integrate preprocessing with OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API


The resulting model will be saved in the “super_resolution_model_preprocessed/1” directory.

Super-Resolution Pipeline Demo

Start the OpenVINOTM Model Server with docker binding with 8 cores

docker run --cpuset-cpus 0-7 --rm -v ${PWD}:/models -p 9001:9001 \
openvino/model_server:latest-sr \
--config_path /models/image_super_resolution_config_nhwc.json \
--port 9001

Run client with command line

python --grpc_port 9001  --input_images_dir images \
--model_name super_resolution --height 270 --width 480 \
--batch_size 1 -niter 100

Figure 3 shows the original input image (shape 270x480).

Figure 3: Original low resolution Input Image(270x480)

Figure 4 shows the resized image (shape 1080x1920) after image preprocessing in the custom node.

Figure 4: Bicubic Interpolation Resized Image (1080x1920)

Figure 5 shows the inference result of the super-resolution model (shape1080x1920).  

Figure 5: Super-Resolution Model Inference Result (1080x1920)


In this blog, we demonstrate an end-to-end super-resolution pipeline deployment with OpenVINOTM Model Server. The whole pipeline takes dynamic batched images (RGB, NHWC) as input, demultiplexing into single batch data, preprocess with a custom node, runs an inference with a super-resolution model, send gathered inference results to the client in the end.

This blog provides following examples that utilize OpenVINOTM Model Server and OpenVINOTM features: 

  • Enable OVMS DAG demultiplexing feature
  • Provide custom node for image preprocessing using libvips
  • Provide sample code for integrating preprocessing into the model with OpenVINOTM Preprocessing API.
  • Support super-resolution end-to-end pipeline with image preprocessing and model inference with OVMS DAG scheduler