Build OpenVINO™ Docker Image on CentOS 7

Authors: Xiake Sun, Su Yang

For OpenVINO™ 2022.1 on CentOS 7.6, we provide the dockerfile based on the docker_ci and usage instructions in this blog.

At present, OpenVINO™ officially only provides a docker image of OpenVINO™ 2021.3 for CentOS 7 on DockerHub. To deploy a docker image with the OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenVINO™ provides the DockerHub CI named docker_ci. However, docker_ci doesn’t support CentOS 7.

Here are the steps to build the OpenVINO™ 2022.1.0 Docker Image on CentOS 7.6 with Python 3.6. In this instruction, we use Python 3.6 in the docker image as an example. If upgrading the version, the user needs to solve problems with yum and related tools.  

Setup of OpenVINO™

0. Build OpenVINO™ 2022.1.0 with CMake 3.18.4 and GCC 8.3.1

sudo -i
echo “proxy=” >> /etc/yum.conf
sudo yum update
sudo yum install gcc dnf centos-release-scl git
sudo chmod +x

Install docker on CentOS 7 and setup proxy (if any):

1. Download CMake 3.18.4

tar -xvf cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz

2. Install devtoolset-8 and Setup Environment

sudo yum install devtoolset-8
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-8/enable
conda create -n docker_py36 python=3.6 -y
conda activate docker_py36
export PATH=/home/openvino/cmake-3.18.4-Linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH

3. Build OpenVINO™ 2022.1.0 docker image with CMake 3.18.4 and GCC 8.3.1

git clone -b 2022.1.0
cd openvino
git submodule update --init -recursive
mkdir build && mkdir install
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools cython patchelf python-decouple
cd build
make --jobs=$(nproc --all)
make install

4. Compress pre-built OpenVINO™ 2022.1.0 install package as .tgz

cp -r install l_openvino_toolkit_dev_centos7_p_2022.1.0.643.tgz
tar -czf l_openvino_toolkit_dev_centos7_p_2022.1.0.643.tgz l_openvino_toolkit_dev_centos7_p_2022.1.0.643

Setup of Docker Image

1. Build OpenVINO™ dev docker image for CentOS 7

git clone -b centos7_ov2022.1.0_docker_build
cd docker_ci
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 build -f dockerfiles/centos7/openvino_c_dev_2022.1.0.dockerfile -os rhel8 --distribution dev -s local -u <PATH_TO_PACKAGE>/l_openvino_toolkit_dev_centos7_p_2022.1.0.643.tgz
Figure 1. The result of building the docker image

2. Start Docker image

docker run -it --rm rhel8_dev:2022.1.0.643

3. Test docker image with OpenVINO™ tools

source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/
mkdir ~/ov_models
omz_downloader --name resnet-50-pytorch -o ~/ov_models/
omz_converter --name resnet-50-pytorch -o ~/ov_models/
benchmark_app -m ~/ov_models/public/resnet-50-pytorch/FP32/resnet-50-pytorch.xml -d CPU