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OpenVINO GenAI Serving (OGS)

July 4, 2024

Authors: Fiona Zhao, Xiake Sun, Wenyi Zou, Su Yang, Tianmeng Chen

Model Server reference implementation based on OpenVINO GenAI Package for Edge/Client AI PC Use Case.

openvino.genai/samples/cpp/rag_sample at openvino_genai_serving · sammysun0711/openvino.genai (

figure: architecture

Use Case 1: C++ RAG Sample that supports most popular models like LLaMA 2

This example showcases for Retrieval-Augmented Generation based on text-generation Large Language Models (LLMs): chatglm, LLaMA, Qwen and other models with the same signature and Bert model for embedding feature extraction. The sample fearures ov::genai::LLMPipeline and configures it for the chat scenario. There is also a Jupyter notebook which provides an example of LLM-powered RAG in Python.

Download and convert the model and tokenizers

The --upgrade-strategy eager option is needed to ensure optimum-intel is upgraded to the latest version.

python3 -m pip install --upgrade-strategy eager -r ../../requirements.txt
optimum-cli export openvino --trust-remote-code --model TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0

Setup of PostgreSQL, Libpqxx and Pgvector

Langchain's document Loader and Spliter

  1. Load: document_loaders is used to load document data.
  2. Split: text_splitter breaks large Documents into smaller chunks. This is useful both for indexing data and for passing it in to a model, since large chunks are harder to search over and won’t in a model’s finite context window.


Download postgresql from enterprisedb.(postgresql-16.2-1-windows-x64.exe is tested)

Install PostgreSQL with postgresqltutorial.
Setup of PostgreSQL:
1. Open pgAdmin 4 from Windows Search Bar.
2. Click Browser (left side) > Servers > Postgre SQL 10.
3. Create the user postgres with password openvino (or your own setting)
4. Open SQL Shell from Windows Search Bar to check this setup. 'Enter' to set Server, Database, Port, Username as default and type Password.

Server [localhost]: 
Database [postgres]:
Port [5432]:
Username [postgres]:
Password for user postgres:


'Official' C++ client library (language binding), built on top of C library

Update the source code from in deps\libpqxx

The pipeline connects with DB based on Libpqxx.


Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres.

By default, pgvector performs exact nearest neighbor search, which provides perfect recall. It also supports approximate nearest neighbor search (HNSW), which trades some recall for speed.

For Windows, Ensure C++ support in Visual Studio 2022 is installed, then use nmake to build in Command Prompt for VS 2022(run as Administrator). Please follow with the pgvector

Enable the extension (do this once in each database where you want to use it), run SQL Shell from Windows Search Bar with "CREATE EXTENSION vector;".

Printing CREATE EXTENSION shows successful setup of Pgvector.


pgvector support for C++ (supports libpqxx). The headers (pqxx.hpp, vector.hpp, halfvec.hpp) are copied into the local folder rag_sample\include. Our pipeline does the vector similarity search for the chunks embeddings in PostgreSQL, based on pgvector-cpp.

Install OpenVINO, VS2022 and Build this pipeline

Download 2024.2 release from OpenVINO™ archives*. This OV built package is for C++ OpenVINO pipeline, no need to build the source code. Install latest Visual Studio 2022 Community for the C++ dependencies and LLM C++ pipeline editing.

Extract the zip file in any location and set the environment variables with dragging this setupvars.bat in the terminal Command Prompt. setupvars.ps1 is used for terminal PowerShell. <INSTALL_DIR> below refers to the extraction location. Run the following CMD in the terminal Command Prompt.

git submodule update --init
cd openvino.genai
cmake -S .\ -B .\build\ && cmake --build .\build\ --config Release -j8
cd .\build\samples\cpp\rag_sample\Release


  • Install on Windows: Copy all the DLL files of PostgreSQL, OpenVINO and tbb and openvino-genai into the release folder. The SQL DLL files locate in the installed PostgreSQL path like "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\16\bin".
  • If cmake not installed in the terminal Command Prompt, please use the terminal Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 instead.
  • The openvino tokenizer in the third party needs several minutes to build. Set 8 for -j option to specify the number of parallel jobs.
  • Once the cmake finishes, check rag_sample_client.exe and rag_sample_server.exe in the relative path .\build\samples\cpp\rag_sample\Release.
  • If Cmake completed without errors, but not find exe, please open the .\build\OpenVINOGenAI.sln in VS2022, and set the solution configuration as Release instead of Debug, then build the llm project within VS2022 again.


Launch RAG Server

rag_sample_server.exe --llm_model_path TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --llm_device CPU --embedding_model_path bge-large-zh-v1.5 --embedding_device CPU  --db_connection "user=postgres host=localhost password=openvino port=5432 dbname=postgres"

Lanuch RAG Client


Lanuch python Client

Use python client to send the message of DB init and send the document chunks to DB for embedding and storing.

python --docs


Creating AI Pipeline for Cell Image Analysis: Insights, Challenges, and CHO Use Case (Part 1 of 2, Intel Edge AI in the Realm of Biopharma and Drug Development)

April 23, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of biopharmaceutical technology and drug development, a recent effort in the field of Cell Analytics for Monoclonal Antibody Production has shed light on the crucial role of Edge AI Technology in navigating complex challenges of scaling and producing solutions.  

In this 2-part blog series, we will explore the use of Intel Edge AI Technology in biopharma and drug development, addressing challenges and providing insights into the development of AI pipelines for cell segmentation and analysis.

Intel has been involved in this process with a variety of partners. One of Intel’s contributions to the cell image project centers around processing brightfield1 images using an AI pipeline containing multiple deep learning models. The pipeline's purpose is to identify cells and other biological components and provide feedback on dynamic biological characteristics such as cell morphology, viability, and phenotypic changes, among others. Throughout this process, working on cell-AI projects usually brings a unique set of challenges to the forefront.  

First, it is an interdisciplinary field and the knowledge gap between data scientists and biopharma experts requires more back-and-forth clear communications for planning and validity checks. Frequently when attempting to implement AI solutions in the laboratory, data scientists and bench scientists struggle to fully grasp the nature and needs of each other’s role. This lack of mutual understanding can also hinder the usability and scalability of an AI solution needing to be integrated into diverse lab environments.

The second challenge is instrument variability. Different plate reader2 microscopes have different hardware, optics, and apertures which cause their produced images not to be consistent. This adds an extra layer of work to assess and address these inconsistencies along the way (like regular tracked calibration and adjustment). Additionally, equipment vendor-to-vendor differences, culture temperature, medium conditions, and genetic modifications can all affect the variability of data and the inherent transferability of the deep learning pipeline. This would drive the need to monitor the performance of DL models at the edge and cloud ML ops components.    

The third challenge is obtaining peer-review labels because the process is based on supervised Machine Learning and obtaining clean accurate labels is very costly and time-consuming.  

And the last challenge is about the model deployment. In most cases, cloud deployment is not an option due to data size and data privacy. Produced images from plate reader microscopes are huge and transferring data to the cloud and sending the results back would create high latency because a huge amount of data must be streamed (30Gb per hour). And more importantly, laboratories are usually not willing to share the data. Due to these two constraints, cloud deployments are not usually an option, and the pipeline must be deployed at the edge.  

Now, let’s talk about a specific application of this technology: the CHO Cell Segmentation Use Case.

CHO Cell Segmentation Use Case

CHO cells, or Chinese Hamster Ovary cells, are a cornerstone in the production of complex protein molecules such as monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins, hormones, and coagulation factors. Unlike stem cells or CAR-T cells, where the cells themselves are the therapeutic product, in CHO cells, it is the proteins they produce that are of paramount importance. Monitoring the health, viability, and production capability of these cells is a critical step in commercial protein production.

Traditionally, assessing the condition of CHO cells involves a multi-step process that is not only time-consuming but also requires the use of expensive reagents and chemicals. Depending on the process, the workflow can be something like below.  

  1. Culture cells  
  1. Fix cells – wash in expensive reagents to remove the culture medium.  
  1. Permeabilization – wash in more expensive chemicals to permeabilize the cell membrane (to stain for intercellular proteins).
  1. Blocking – incubate cells in another expensive reagent to prevent binding of no specific antibodies.
  1. Primary Antibody Incubation – antibody specifically to bind to a protein that is being produced.
  1. Washing – removing unbound Primary Antibodies using more expensive chemicals.
  1. Nuclear staining – use nuclear stain like DAPI to visualize cell nuclei then wash with the same chemicals from the washing step
  1. Mounting – get ready to read in the microscope (plate reader1)
  1. Imaging – Stained cells …. count them up and determine the state in the protein production cycle and relative cell health (eventually they peter out and stop producing and the batch needs to be flushed. (Cell count, viability number, etc. are the output not the image)

From culturing to imaging, each step plays a vital role in ensuring the quality of the protein product. However, with the advent of AI and deep learning, there is an opportunity to streamline this workflow significantly. Using an AI pipeline including multiple Deep Learning models and data pre and post-processing, we can go from Step 1 directly to Step 9, removing the majority of the labor and latency in getting actionable results out of a staining workflow and bypassing expensive specialty chemicals requirement. Intel has put together a reference implementation for deploying said pipeline and inferencing of these images on the edge as part of the Cell Image project OpenVINO Toolkit, OpenVINO Model Server, and AI Connect for Scientific Data are used in this design. Let’s briefly talk about each of these wonderful SW packages in part 2 of this article series. Stay tuned!


In conclusion, the integration of Intel Edge AI Technology into the biopharmaceutical sector represents a transformative step towards more efficient and scalable drug development processes. As we have seen in this first installment of our blog series, the deployment of AI pipelines for cell segmentation and analysis in monoclonal antibody production is not without its challenges. These include bridging the interdisciplinary knowledge gap, managing instrument variability, acquiring peer-reviewed labels, and overcoming the hurdles associated with model deployment.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of Edge AI in biopharma are substantial. By leveraging Intel's advanced AI technologies, we can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional cell analysis methods, while also enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the results. The use of edge computing addresses the concerns of data size and privacy, allowing for real-time processing and analysis without the need for cloud transfer.

As we move forward in this blog series, we will delve deeper into the specifics of Intel's Edge AI solutions, including the OpenVINO toolkit, OpenVINO Model Server, and AI Connect for Scientific Data. We will explore how these tools are being applied in real-world scenarios to drive innovation and improve outcomes in the realm of biopharma and drug development in the next part of this series.

Reach out to Intel's Health and Life Sciences team at or learn more about what we do at


We'd like to hear from you! Let us know in the comments or discuss – which AI use cases in health and life sciences do you think will have the greatest impact on global health?

If you enjoyed hearing from the Health and Life Sciences team and want to hear more, give this post a like and ensure you subscribe to get the latest updates from the team. 


About the Author

Nooshin Nabizadeh has Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Miami and works at Intel Corporation as AI Solutions Architect. She enjoys photography, writing poetry, reading about psychology and philosophy, and optimizing solutions to run as fast as possible on a given piece of hardware. Connect with her on LinkedIn by mentioning this blog.

  1. Brightfield microscopy is a widely used technique for observing the morphology of cells and tissues.
  1. A plate reader is a laboratory instrument used to obtain images from samples in microtiter plates. The reader shines a specific calibrated frequency of light (UV, visible, fluorescence, etc.) through the samples in the wells of the plate. Plate reader microscopy data sets have inherent variability which drives the requirement of regular tracked calibration and adjustment.


Deploy Language Models with OpenVINO™ Model Server

June 21, 2023

Authors: Dariusz Trawinski, Damian Kalinowski


If you are writing an AI application that handles text in Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, you will be pleased to hear that OpenVINO Model Server now supports sending and receiving text in string format.

Now you can combine optimized inference execution with a simple method for sending text data to the model server and reading text responses.



Deep Learning models do not deal with text content directly. Instead, they require a numerical representation of text to process it.

Figure 1. Shows Text Input (yellow), Tokenization (blue) and Encoding (green)

The conversion from human readable text to a machine-readable format is done via a process of tokenization and encoding. Without going into the specifics of tokenization and encoding, these operations are not trivial. Many algorithms exist for these tasks and most often the operation is run by dedicated software libraries.

Generally, during the inference operation, a client application must reproduce the same method for text tokenization and encoding, similar to what is used during the model training phase.


For reference, below are two examples showing how this can be implemented on the application side as pre- and post-processing steps:

Hugging Face pipelines

GPT text prediction demo

In TensorFlow it’s also possible to embed the tokenization operation inside the model by adding a dedicated neuron model layer SentencePieceTokenizer


Tokenization and Encoding with OpenVINO Model Server

Starting with the 2023.0 release, OpenVINO Model Server can greatly simplify writing applications that leverage LLM and NLP models. We addressed both using models that require tokens and models with an embedded tokenization layer. Both use cases are demonstrated below with a simple client application that sends and receives text in a string format. The complexity of text conversion is fully delegated to the remote serving endpoint.


GPT-J Pipeline

In this demo we deploy the tokenizer as a custom node in OpenVINO Model Server. As a result, we get a pipeline with seed strings as input and generated texts as the output.

GPT-J Pipeline

All steps to reproduce the demo above are documented here:


Text generation can be executed iteratively in a loop. An example of the client application generating text output is shown below.

Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder (MUSE)

The next demonstration includes serving the MUSE model from TensorFlow Hub. The demo shows how OpenVINO Model Server can be used to serve the MUSE model and with 2x better performance without any changes on the client side.

The calls to the model server are simple using a REST API. Below is an example of a call with a batch size 3.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/v1/models/usem:predict \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-d'{"instances": ["dog", "Puppies are nice.","I enjoy taking long walks along the beach with my dog."]}'

A similar call can be made over gRPC interface using the ovmsclient library which is compatible with the TensorFlow Serving (TFS) API.

from ovmsclientimport make_grpc_client
client = make_grpc_client("localhost:9000")
data = ["dog","Puppies are nice.", "I enjoy taking long walks along the beachwith my dog."]
inputs = {"inputs":data}
results = client.predict(inputs=inputs,model_name="usem")


In addition to the TFS API, it is also possible to run inference calls using the KServe v2 API. Check the code snippets for more details.


OpenVINO Model Server can simplify writing AI applications that handle text. It can execute a complete text analysis pipeline with just few[TA4] lines of code on the client side without compromising performance by using a tokenizer in C++ and high performance OpenVINO backend to run the AI models. Together with widely used, standard APIs, OpenVINO Model Server is a great solution for deploying effective and efficient AI applications.





How to Install Intel GPU Drivers on Windows and Ubuntu

June 20, 2023


OpenVINO is an open-source toolkit for optimization and deployment of AI inference. OpenVINO results in more efficient inference of deep learning models at the edge or in data centers. OpenVINO compiles models to run on many different devices, meaning you will have the flexibility to write code once and deploy your model across CPUs, GPUs, VPUs and other accelerators.  

The new family of Intel discrete GPUs are not just for gaming, they can also run AI at the edge or on servers. Use this guide to install drivers and setup your system before using OpenVINO for GPU-based inference.

OpenVINO and GPU Compatibility

To get the best possible performance, it’s important to properly set up and install the current GPU drivers on your system. Below, I provide some recommendations for installing drivers on Windows and Ubuntu. This article was tested on Intel® Arc™ graphics and Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series on systems with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Windows 11. To use the OpenVINO™ GPU plugin and offload inference to Intel® GPU, the Intel® Graphics Driver must be properly configured on your system.  

Recommended Configuration for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The driver for Ubuntu 22.04 works out of the box with Kernel 5.15.0-57. However, if you upgraded/downgraded your kernel or upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04, I suggest updating the kernel version to linux-image-5.19.0-43-generic.  

After updating the kernel, check for the latest driver release. I updated my Ubuntu machine to version 23.13.26032.30, which was the latest version at the time of publishing this article, however OpenVINO could be run on discrete GPU with older or newer driver versions.  

NOTE: If you upgraded Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, please verify your kernel version `uname –r` before updating the driver.  

Recommended Configuration for Windows 11

Many driver versions are available for Windows. To run AI workloads, I suggest using the latest beta driver.

Getting Help

Even if you are using the latest available driver, you should always check if your AI models are running properly and generating the expected results. If you discover a bug for a particular model or failure to run a specific model, please file an issue on GitHub. Before reporting an issue, please check whether using the latest Beta version of the driver and latest version of OpenVINO solves the issue.  

NOTE: Always refer to the official GPU driver documentation when setting up your system. This blog provides additional recommendations for the best results when using OpenVINO but it is not a replacement for documentation.


Checking the system requirements in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Windows 11 resolves some issues running Generative AI models like Stable Diffusion with OpenVINO on discrete GPUs. These updates prevent crashes and compilation errors or poor performance with Stable Diffusion. I suggest testing your AI models with the new driver installation, as it will likely improve the performance of your application. Try out this Stable Diffusion notebook for testing purposes.  



Enable OpenVINO™ Optimization for WeNet

February 8, 2023


The WeNet model provides two-pass approach to unify streaming and non-streaming end-to-end (E2E) speech recognition which is widely used with various HW platforms. In this blog, we provide the OpenVINO™ optimization for WeNet on Intel® platforms.

The public WeNet project is referenced from: wenet-e2e/wenet

The WeNet model can be considered as a pipeline which is split into 3 parts for decoder, CTC and encoder. Refer the model structure in below picture:

WeNet model processing flow

We implement the wrapper function of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model class with OpenVINO™ runtime API programming for these 3 models’ data preparation and inference. Please refer the integrated OpenVINO™ optimization in official project: wenet-e2e/wenet/runtime/openvino

OpenVINO™backend on WeNet

In this project, you do not require to download OpenVINO™ and build the library with WeNet project manually. It’s already fully integrated with OpenVINO™ runtime library for downloading, program compiling and linking. If your operating system is not one of OpenVINO™ runtime library supported, the script will download OpenVINO™ source from Github, and build with CPU plugin to support.

At present, this repository already optimized and validated by OpenVINO™ 2022.3.0 version. Check the operating system which can support OpenVINO™ runtime library directly:

  • Windows* 10
  • CentOS 7, Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 8
  • Ubuntu* 18.04, 20.04
  • Debian 9.13 for X86
  • macOS* 10.15
git clone
cd wenet

Step 1: Get pretrained ONNX model (Optional)

If you already have the exported ONNX model for WeNet test, you can skip this step.

For users to get pretrained model from WeNet project, you can refer this link:

Export to 3 ONNX models, including encoder.onnx, ctc.onnx and decoder.onnx by export_onnx_cpu script.

python -m wenet.bin.export_onnx_cpu \
  --config ${model_path}/train.yaml \
  --checkpoint ${model_path}/ \
  --chunk_size 16 \
  --output_dir ${onnx_dir}\
  --num_decoding_left_chunks -1

Step 2: Convert ONNX model to OpenVINO™ Intermediate Representation (IR)

Make sure your python environment already installed OpenVINO™ runtime library.

pip install openvino

Convert these three ONNX models into IR by OpenVINO™ Model Optimizer command:

mo --input_model ${onnx_dir}/encoder.onnx --input chunk,att_cache,cnn_cache --input_shape [1,-1,80],[12,4,-1,128],[12,1,256,7] --output_dir ${openvino_dir} 
mo --input_model ${onnx_dir}/ctc.onnx --input_shape [1,-1,256] --output_dir ${openvino_dir}
mo --input_model ${onnx_dir}/decoder.onnx --input hyps,hyps_lens,encoder_out --input_shape [-1,-1],[-1],[1,-1,256] --output_dir ${openvino_dir}

Step 3: Build WeNet with OpenVINO™ backend

Please refer system requirement to check if the hardware platform available by OpenVINO™. It will download and install OpenVINO™ library during the CMake configuration.

cd ./runtime/openvino
mkdir build && cd build
make --jobs=$(nproc --all)

Some users may cannot easily download OpenVINO™ binary package from server due to firewall or proxy issue. If you failed to download by CMake script, you can download OpenVINO™ package by your selves and put the package to below path:


If you already have OpenVINO™ runtime which is manually built before the WeNet building, you can put the runtime library to below path:


Step 4: Simple inference test

You may run the inference test like below with the speech input audio file (.wav) and model unit file (.txt):

./bin/decoder_main \
    --chunk_size 16 \
    --wav_path ${wav_path} \
    --openvino_dir ${openvino_dir} \
    --unit_path ${unit_path}

The information of OpenVINO™ integration and results will be print out:

    Version : 2022.3.0
    Build   : 2022.3.0-9052-9752fafe8eb-releases/2022/3

Get Encoder input chunk
Get Encoder input offset
Get Encoder input att_cache
Get Encoder input cnn_cache
test 如果你尝试了就会知道这是个很有趣的例子

Reduce OpenVINO Model Server Latency with In-Process C-API

January 31, 2023

Starting with the 2022.3 release, OpenVINO Model Server (OVMS) provides a C-API that allows OVMS to be linked directly into a C/C++ application as a dynamic library. Existing AI applications can leverage serving functionalities while running inference locally without networking latency overhead.  

The ability to bypass gRPC/REST endpoints and send input data directly from in-process memory creates new opportunities to use OpenVINO locally while maintaining the benefits of model serving. For example, we can combine the benefits of using OpenVINO Runtime with model configuration, version management and support for both local and cloud model storage.

Figure 1. High Level Diagram of C-API Usage

OpenVINO Model Server is typically started as a separate process or run in a container where the client application communicates over a network connection. Now, as you can see above, it is possible to link the model server as a shared library inside the client application and use the internal C API to execute internal inference methods.

We demonstrate the concept in a simple example below and show the impact on latency.

Example C-API Usage

NOTE: complete end to end inference demonstration via C-API with example app can be found here:  

To start using the Model Server C-API, we need to prepare a model and configuration file. Download an example dummy model from our GitHub repo and prepare a config.json file to serve this model. “Dummy” model adds value 1 to all numbers inside an input.

Download Model

wget{xml,bin} -P models/dummy/1

Create Config File

    "model_config_list": [ 
        {"config": { 
                "name": "dummy", 
                "base_path": "./models/dummy"}} 


Next, download and unpack the OVMS library. The library can be obtained from GitHub release page. There are 2 packages – one for Ubuntu 20 and one for RedHat 8.7. There is also documentation showing how to build the library from source. For purpose of this demo, we will use the Ubuntu version:

wget && tar -xvf ovms_ubuntu.tar.gz

Start Server

To start the server, use ServerStartFromConfigurationFile. There are many options, all of which are documented in the header file. Let’s launch the server with configuration file and optional log level error:

OVMS_ServerSettings* serverSettings; 
OVMS_ModelsSettings* modelsSettings; 
OVMS_Server* srv; 
OVMS_ServerSettingsSetLogLevel(serverSettings, OVMS_LOG_ERROR);  // Make the serving silent 
OVMS_ModelsSettingsSetConfigPath(modelsSettings, "./config.json");  // Previously created file 
OVMS_ServerStartFromConfigurationFile(srv, serverSettings, modelsSettings);  // Start the server 

Input Data Preparation

Use OVMS_InferenceRequestInputSetData call, to provide input data with no additional copy operation. In InferenceRequestNew call, we can specify model name (the same as defined in config.json) and specific version (or 0 to use default). We also need to pass input names, data precision and shape information. In the example we provide 10 subsequent floating-point numbers, starting from 0.

const char* MODEL_NAME = "dummy"; 
const uint64_t MODEL_VERSION = 1; 
const char* INPUT_NAME = "b"; 
constexpr size_t NUM_OF_ELEMENTS = 10; 
constexpr std::array SHAPE = {1, NUM_OF_ELEMENTS}; 
OVMS_InferenceRequest* request; 
OVMS_InferenceRequestNew(&request, srv, MODEL_NAME, MODEL_VERSION); 
OVMS_InferenceRequestAddInput(request, INPUT_NAME, OVMS_DATATYPE_FP32,, SHAPE.size()); 
std::array data{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; 
OVMS_InferenceRequestInputSetData(request, INPUT_NAME,, sizeof(data), OVMS_BUFFERTYPE_CPU, 0); 

Invoke Synchronous Inference

Simply call OVMS_Inference. This is required to pass response pointer and receive results in the next steps.

OVMS_InferenceResponse* response; 
OVMS_Inference(srv, request, &response); 

Read Results

Use call OVMS_InferenceResponseGetOutput API call to read the results. There are bunch of metadata we can read optionally, such as: precision, shape, buffer type and device ID. The expected output after addition should be:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
const char* outputName; 
OVMS_DataType dataType; 
const uint64_t* shape; 
uint32_t dimCount; 
const void* outputData; 
size_t byteSize; 
OVMS_BufferType bufferType; 
uint32_t deviceId; 
OVMS_InferenceResponseGetOutput(response, 0, 
        &outputName, &dataType, &shape, &dimCount, &outputData, &byteSize, &bufferType, &deviceId); 
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_ELEMENTS; i++) 
std::cout << ((float*)outputData)[i] << ", "; 
std::cout << std::endl;

Check the header file to learn more about the supported methods and their parameters.

Compile and Run Application

In this example we omitted error handling and resource cleanup upon failure. Please refer to the full demo instructions for a more complete example.

Performance Analysis

Using benchmarking tools from OpenVINO Runtime and both the C-API and gRPC API in OpenVINO Model Server, we can compare inference results via C-API to typical scenario of gRPC or direct integration of OpenVINO Runtime. The Resnet-50-tf model from Open Model Zoo was used for the testing below.

Figure 2. Inference Latency Measurement for ResNet-50 with each deployment option (lower is better)
Figure 2. Inference Latency Measurement for ResNet-50 with each deployment option (lower is better)

Hardware configuration used:

- 1-node, Intel Xeon Gold 6252 @ 2.10GHz processor with 256GB (8 slots/16GB/2666) total DDR memory, HT on, Turbo on, Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS,5.4.0-109-generic kernel

- Intel S2600WFT motherboard

Tested by Intel on 01/31/2023.


With the new method of embedding OVMS into C++ applications, users can decrease inference latency even further by entirely skipping the networking part of model serving. The C-API is still in preview and has some limitations, but in its current state is ready to integrate into C++ applications. If you have questions or feedback, please file an issue on GitHub.

Read more:


Deploy AI Workloads with OpenVINO™ Model Server across CPUs and GPUs

January 10, 2023

Authors: Xiake Sun, Kunda Xu

1. Introduction

Figure 1. OpenVINO™ Model Server Overview

OpenVINO™ Model Server (OVMS) is a high-performance system for serving models. Implemented in C++ for scalability and optimized for deployment on Intel® architectures, the model server uses the same architecture and API as TensorFlow Serving and KServe while applying OpenVINO™ for inference execution. Inference service is provided via gRPC or REST API, making deploying new algorithms and AI experiments easy.

Docker is the recommended way to deploy OpenVINO™ Model Server. Pre-built container images are available on Docker Hub and Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

In this blog, we will introduce how to leverage OpenVINO™ Model Server to deploy AI workload across various hardware platforms, including Intel® CPU, Intel® GPU, and Nvidia GPU.

2. OpenVINO™ Model Server Pre-built Docker Image for Intel® CPU

Pull the latest pre-built OVMS docker image hosted in Docker Hub:

docker pull openvino/model_server:latest

Verify OVMS docker image and OpenVINO™ backend version:

docker run -it openvino/model_server:latest --version

Here is an example output of the command line above:

Figure 2. Example output of OVMS and OpenVINO™ backend version

Download a model and create an appropriate directory structure. For example, a person-vehicle-bike-detection model from Intel’s Open Model Zoo:

mkdir -p workspace/person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000/1
cd workspace/person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000/1

where a model directory structure looks like that:

Figure 3. Example of model directory structure for OVMS

After the model repository preparation, let’s start OVMS to host a person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 model in the Model Server with Intel® CPU as target device.

docker run -p 30001:30001 -p 30002:30002 -it \
-v ${MODEL_DIR}/workspace:/workspace openvino/model_server:latest \
--model_path /workspace/person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 \
--model_name person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 --port 30001 \
--rest_port 30002 --target_device CPU

The parameter “--target_device CPU” specified workload to allocate on Intel® CPU. “--port 30001” set up the gRPC server port as 30001, and “--rest_port 30001” set up the REST server port as 30002. The parameter “--model_path” specified the model directory path in the docker image, while “--model_name” specified which model to host in the model server.

3. Build OpenVINO™ Model Server Benchmark Client

OpenVINO™ Model Server provides a useful tool - Benchmark Client to generate traffic and measure the performance of the model served in OpenVINO™ Model Server. In this blog, you could use Benchmark Client to verify OpenVINO™ model server functionality quickly.

To build the docker image and tag it as benchmark_client as follow:

git clone
cd model_server/demos/benchmark/python
docker build . -t benchmark_client

Here is an example to use benchmark_client to generate 8 requests and send them via gRPC API, then receive the severed model performance data:

docker run --network host benchmark_client -a localhost -r 30002 \
-m person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 -p 30001 -n 8 --report_warmup --print_all

In the output, "window_netto_frame_rate" measures the overall performance of a service - how many frames per second the model server processed. Please note, model serving example above was set up with default parameters, see the performance tuning section for more details.

4. Build OpenVINO™ Model Server from Source Code

Download the model server source code as follows:

git clone
cd model_server

OVMS provides a “Makefile” to build the docker image with environment parameters, which you can pass via the command line for the building process.

  • BASE_OS: base OS docker image used to build OVMS docker image, current supported values are “ubuntu” (by default) and “redhat”.
  • OV_USE_BINARY:  control whether to use a pre-built OpenVINO™ binary package for building OVMS docker image. If "OV_USE_BINARY=1", OVMS use a pre-built OpenVINO™ binary package. If "OV_USE_BINARY=0", OpenVINO™ will be built from source code during OVMS building process.
  • DLDT_PACKAGE_URL: If "OV_USE_BINRAY=1", "DLDT_PACKAGE_URL" is used to set the URL path to the pre-built OpenVINO™ binary package
  • GPU: control whether to enable OVMS support for Intel® GPU. By default, “GPU=0” disables OVMS support for Intel® GPU. If "GPU=1", OVMS support for intel® GPU will be enabled.
  • NVIDIA: control whether to enable OVMS support for Nvidia GPU. By default, "NVIDIA=0" disables OVMS support for Nvidia GPU. If "NVIDIA=1", OVMS support for Nvidia GPU will be enabled, which requires building OpenVINO from the source code.
  • OV_SOURCE_BRANCH: If "OV_USE_BINARY=0", "OV_SOURCE_BRANCH" is used to set the target branch or commit hash of OpenVINO source code. The default value is “master”
  • OV_CONTRIB_BRANCH: If "NVIDIA=1", "OV_CONTRIB_BRANCH" is used to set the target branch or commit hash of OpenVINO contrib source code. The default value is “master"

Here is an example of building OVMS with the "releases/2022/3" branch of OpenVINO™ GitHub source code with target device Intel® CPU.

OV_USE_BINARY=0 OV_SOURCE_BRANCH=releases/2022/3 make docker_build

Built docker image will be available in the host as “openvino/model_server:latest”.

5. Build OpenVINO™ Model Server with Intel® GPU Support

Since OpenVINO™ 2022.3 release, OpenVINO™ added full support for Intel’s integrated GPU, Intel’s discrete graphics cards, such as Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series, and Intel® Arc™ GPU for DL inferencing workloads in the intelligent cloud, edge, and media analytics workloads. OpenVINO™ Model Server 2022.3 also added support for Intel® GPU.  The pre-built OpenVINO™ Model Server docker image with GPU driver for Intel® GPU is available in Docker Hub:

docker pull openvino/model_server:latest-gpu

Here is an example of building OVMS with Intel® GPU support based on the OpenVINO™ source code:

GPU=1 OV_USE_BINARY=0 OV_SOURCE_BRANCH=releases/2022/3 make docker_build

The default GPU driver (version 22.8 for RedHat 8.7 or version 22.35 for Ubuntu 20.04) will be installed during the building process. Built docker image will be available in the host as “openvino/model_server:latest-gpu”.

Here is an example to launch the OVMS docker image with Intel® GPU as target device:

docker run -p 30001:30001 -p 30002:30002 -it --device=/dev/dri \
--group-add=$(stat -c "%g" /dev/dri/render* | head -n 1) -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v ${MODEL_DIR}/workspace:/workspace openvino/model_server:latest-gpu \
--model_path /workspace/person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 \
--model_name person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 --port 30001 \
--rest_port 30002 --target_device GPU

The parameter “--target_device GPU” specified workload to allocate on Intel® GPU. The parameter “--device /dev/dri” is used to pass the device context. The parameter “--group-add=$(stat -c"%g" /dev/dri/render\* | head -n 1) -u $(id -u):$(id -g)” is used to ensure the model server process security context account with correct permissions to run inference on Intel® GPU.

Here is an example to verify the severed model performance on Intel® GPU with benchmark_client:

docker run --network host benchmark_client -a localhost -r 30002 \
-m person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 -p 30001 -n 8 --report_warmup --print_all

6. Build OpenVINO™ Model Server with Nvidia GPU Support

OpenVINO™ Model Server can also support Nvidia GPU cards by using NVIDIA plugin from the GitHub repo openvino_contrib. Here is an example of building OVMS with Nvidia GPU support step by step:

First, pull the Nvidia docker base image with the GPU driver, e.g.,“”, please ensure to install same GPU driver version in the local host environment.

docker pull

Install Nvidia Container Toolkit to expose the GPU driver to docker and restart docker.

# Add the package repositories
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
sudo systemctl restart docker

Build OVMS docker image with Nvidia GPU support.“NVIDIA=1” enables to build OVMS with Nvidia GPU support, and “OV_USE_BINARY=0” enables building OpenVINO from the source code. Besides, “OV_SOURCE_BRANCH=releases/2022/3” refer to the OpenVINO™ GitHub "releases/2022/3" branch, while “OV_CONTRIB_BRANCH=releases/2022/3” refer to the OpenVINO contrib GitHub "releases/2022/3" branch.

OV_CONTRIB_BRANCH=releases/2022/3 make docker_build

Built docker image will be available in the host as “openvino/model_server-cuda:latest”.

Here is an example to launch the OVMS docker image with Nvidia GPU as target device:

docker run -p 30001:30001 -p 30002:30002 -it --gpus all \
-v ${MODEL_DIR}/workspace:/workspace openvino/model_server:latest-cuda \
--model_path /workspace/person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 \
--model_name person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 --port 30001 \
--rest_port 30002 --target_device NVIDIA

The parameter “--target_device NVIDIA” is specified to allocate workload on NVIDIA GPU. The parameter “--gpu all” flag is used to access all GPU resources available in the host system.

Here is an example to verify the severed model performance on Nvidia GPU with benchmark_client:

docker run --network host benchmark_client -a localhost -r 30002 \
-m person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 -p 30001 -n 8 --report_warmup --print_all

7. Migration from Triton Inference Server to OpenVINO™ Model Server

KServe, as a robust and extensible cloud-native model server for Kubernetes, is widely adopted by model servers including Triton Inference Server. Since the 2022.3 release, OpenVINO™ Model Server added KServer API that supports REST and gRPC calls. Therefore, OVMS with Nvidia GPU support is fully compatible to receive requests from Triton Inference Client and run inference on Nvidia GPU.

Here is an example to pull the Triton Inference Server docker image:

docker run -it --rm --net=host

Then you could use perf_client tools in the docker image to send generated workload as requests to OVMS via KServe API with gRPC port, then receive measured performance data on Nvidia GPU.  

./install/bin/perf_client -m person-vehicle-bike-detection-2000 \
-i gRPC -u localhost:30001

The simple example above shows how smoothly developers can migrate their own AI service workload from Triton Inference Server to OpenVINO™ Model Server without any change from the client.  


Use Metrics to Scale Model Serving Deployments in Kubernetes

December 6, 2022

In this blog you will learn how to set up horizontal autoscaling in Kubernetes using inference performance metrics exposed by OpenVINO™ Model Server. This will enable efficient scaling of model serving pods for inference on Intel® CPUs and GPUs.

Figure 1. Visualization of autoscaling OpenVINO Model Server using Prometheus metrics in Kubernetes

Why use custom metrics?

OpenVINO™ Model Server provides high performance AI inference on Intel CPUs and GPUs that can be scaled in Kubernetes. However, when it comes to automatic scaling in Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler by default, relies on CPU utilization and memory usage metrics only. Although resource consumption indicates how busy the application is, it does not clearly say whether serving provides expected quality of service to the clients or not. Since OpenVINO Model Server exposes performance metrics, we can automatically scale based on service quality rather than resource utilization.

The first metric that comes to mind when thinking about service performance is the duration of request processing, otherwise known as latency. For example, mean or median over a specified period or latency percentiles. OpenVINO Model Server provides such metrics but setting autoscaling based on latency requires specific knowledge about each model and the environment where the inference is running in order to properly set thresholds that trigger scaling.

While autoscaling based on latency works and may be a good choice when you have model-specific knowledge, we will instead focus on a more generic metric using ovms_requests_streams_ratio. Let’s dive into what this means.

In the equation above:

  • currently_processed_requests - number of inference requests to a model being processed by the service at a given time.
  • execution_streams_number – number of execution streams. (When a model is loaded on the device, its computing units are divided into streams. Each stream independently handles inference requests, meaning that the number of streams defines how many inferences can be run on the device in parallel. Note that the more streams there are, the less powerful they are, so we get more throughput at a cost of higher minimal latency / inference time.)

In this equation, for any model exceeding a value of 1 indicates that requests are starting to queue up. Setting the autoscaler threshold for the ovms_requests_streams_ratio metric is somewhat of an arbitrary decision that should be made by a cluster administrator. Setting the threshold too low will result in underutilization of nodes and setting it too high will force the system to work with insufficient resources for extended periods of time. Now that we have chosen a metric for autoscaling, let’s start setting it up.

Deploy Model Server with Autoscaling Metrics

First, we need to create a deployment of OpenVINO Model Server in Kubernetes. To do this, follow instructions to install the OpenVINO Operator in your Kubernetes cluster. Then create a configuration where we can specify the model to be served and enable metrics:

apiVersion: v1 
kind: ConfigMap 
  name: ovms-config 
  namespace: default 
  ovms_config.json: | 
    "model_config_list": [ 
            "config": { 
                 "name": "resnet50-int8", 
                 "base_path": "gs://ovms-public-eu/resnet50-binary" 
                 "enable": true 

Create ConfigMap:

kubectl apply -f

With the configuration in place, we can deploy OpenVINO Model Server instance:

kind: ModelServer 
  name: demo 
  image_name: 'openvino/model_server:2022.2' 
    grpc_port: 8080 
    rest_port: 8081 
    single_model_mode: false 
    config_configmap_name: 'ovms-config' 
    config_path: '/config/ovms_config.json' 
    file_system_poll_wait_seconds: 0 
    log_level: INFO 
    replicas: 1

Create ModelServer resource:

kubectl apply -f

Deploy and Configure Prometheus

Next, we need to read serving metrics and expose them to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. To do this we will deploy Prometheus to collect serving metrics and the Prometheus Adapter to expose them to the autoscaler.  

Deploy Prometheus Monitoring Tool

Let’s start with Prometheus. In the example below we deploy a simple Prometheus instance via the Prometheus Operator. To deploy the Prometheus Operator, run the following command:

kubectl create -f

Next, we need to configure role-based access control to give Prometheus permission to access the Kubernetes API:

kubectl apply -f

The last step is to create a Prometheus instance by deploying Prometheus resource:

kubectl apply -f 

If the deployment was successful, a Prometheus service should be running on port 9090. You can set up a port forward for this service, enabling access to the web interface via localhost on your machine:

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operated 9090:9090

Now, when you open http://localhost:9090 in a browser you should see the Prometheus user interface. Next, we need to expose the Model Server to Prometheus by creating a ServiceMonitor resource:

kubectl apply -f

Once it’s ready, you should see a demo-ovms target in the Prometheus UI:

Figure 2. Prometheus User Interface with demo-ovms target

Now that the metrics are available via Prometheus, we need to expose them to the Horizonal Pod Autoscaler. To do this, we deploy the Prometheus Adapter.

Deploy Prometheus Adapter

Prometheus Adapter can be quickly installed via helm or step-by-step via kubectl. For the sake of simplicity, we will use helm3. Before deploying the adapter, we will prepare a configuration that tells it how to expose the ovms_requests_streams_ratio metric:  

apiVersion: v1 
kind: ConfigMap 
  name: adapter-config 
  namespace: default 
  config.yaml: |+ 
    - seriesQuery: 'ovms_current_requests' 
            resource: namespace 
            resource: pod 
        matches: "ovms_current_requests" 
        as: "ovms_requests_streams_ratio" 
      metricsQuery: avg(avg_over_time(ovms_current_requests{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[1m]) 
 / avg_over_time(ovms_streams{<<.LabelMatchers>>}[1m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)

Create a ConfigMap:

kubectl apply –f

Now that we have a configuration, we can install the adapter:

helm repo add prometheus-community

helm repo update 

helm install --set 'prometheus.url=http://prometheus-operated.default.svc' --set 'rules.existing=adapter-config' prometheus-adapter prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter

Keep checking until custom metrics are available from the API:

kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq 
  "kind": "APIResourceList", 
  "apiVersion": "v1", 
  "groupVersion": "", 
  "resources": [ 
      "name": "namespaces/ovms_requests_streams_ratio", 
      "singularName": "", 
      "namespaced": false, 
      "kind": "MetricValueList", 
      "verbs": [ 
      "name": "pods/ovms_requests_streams_ratio", 
      "singularName": "", 
      "namespaced": true, 
      "kind": "MetricValueList", 
      "verbs": [ 

Once you see the output above, you can configure the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to use these metrics.

Set up Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

As mentioned previously, we will set up autoscaling based on the ovms_requests_streams_ratio metric and target an average value of 1. This will try to keep all streams busy all the time while preventing requests from queueing up. We will set minimum and maximum number of replicas to 1 and 3, respectively, and the stabilization window for both upscaling and downscaling to 120 seconds:

kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler 
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2 
  name: ovms-hpa 
    kind: ModelServer 
    name: demo 
  minReplicas: 1 
  maxReplicas: 3 
  - type: Pods 
        name: ovms_requests_streams_ratio 
        type: AverageValue 
        averageValue: 1 
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 120 
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 120

Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler:

kubectl apply -f 

Once deployed, you can generate some load for your model and see the results. Below you can see how Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scales the number of replicas by checking its status:

kubectl describe hpa ovms-hpa
Autoscaler Status

This data can also be visualized with a Grafana dashboard:

Metrics Visualized on Grafana Dashboard

As you can see, with OpenVINO Model Server metrics, you can quickly set up inferencing system with monitoring and autoscaling for any model. Moreover, with custom metrics, you can set up autoscaling for inference on any Intel CPUs and GPUs.  

See also:


Automatic Device Selection and Configuration with OpenVINO™

November 21, 2022

OpenVINO empowers developers to write deep learning application code once and deploy it on a wide range of Intel hardware with best-in-class performance. Previously, significant effort had to be spent configuring inference pipelines to squeeze optimal performance out of target hardware, and the effort had to be repeated whenever the application was ported to a new platform. The new Auto Device Plugin (AUTO) and automatic configuration features in OpenVINO make it easier for developers to unlock performance on multiple hardware targets without needing to spend time optimizing their application pipeline.

When an OpenVINO application is deployed in a system, the Auto Device Plugin automatically selects the best hardware target to inference the model with. OpenVINO then automatically configures the application to use optimal pipeline parameters based on the hardware capabilities and model size. Developers no longer need to write code for detecting hardware devices and explicitly configuring batch and stream parameters. High-level configuration is provided through performance hints that allow a developer to prioritize their application for either high throughput or minimal latency. AUTO and automatic device configuration make applications hardware-agnostic, allowing them to easily be ported to new hardware without any code changes.

The diagram in Figure 1 shows how OpenVINO’s features automatically configure an application for optimal performance, regardless of the target hardware. When the deep learning model is loaded, AUTO creates a transparent plugin interface to the available processor devices and automatically selects the most suitable device. OpenVINO configures the batch size and number of processing streams based on the selected hardware target, and the Auto-Batching feature automatically groups incoming data into optimally sized batches. AUTO and automatic configuration operate independently from each other, so developers can use either or both in their application.

Figure 1: OpenVINO automatically optimizes a deep learning application by determining the best device to inference with and configuring runtime parameters

AUTO and automatic configuration are available starting in the 2022.1 release of OpenVINO Runtime. To use these features, simply install OpenVINO Runtime on the target hardware. The API uses AUTO by default if no processor device is specified when loading a model. Set a “throughput” or “latency” performance hint when loading the model, and the API automatically configures the inference pipeline. Read on to learn more about AUTO, automatic configuration, performance hints, and how to use them in your application.

Automatic Device Selection

Auto Device Plugin (AUTO) is a “virtual” device that provides a transparent interface to physical devices in the system. When an application is initialized, AUTO discovers the available processors and accelerators in the system (CPUs, integrated GPUs, discrete GPUs, VPUs) and selects the best device, based on a default device priority list or an optional user-provided priority list. It creates an interface between the application and device that executes inference requests in an optimized fashion. It enables an application to always achieve optimal performance in a system without the developer having to know beforehand what devices are available in the system.

Figure 2. OpenVINO’s AUTO Device Plugin automatically selects the best inference device and creates a transparent interface to it

Key Features and Benefits

Simple and flexible application deployment

Previously, developers needed to know details about target hardware and configure their application specifically for each device. AUTO removes the need to write dedicated code for specific devices. This enables an application to be written once and deployed to any supported hardware. It also allows the application to run on newer generations of hardware as they are released: the developer only needs to compile the application with the latest version of OpenVINO to run it on new hardware. This provides an instant increase in performance with little development time.


AUTO provides a configuration interface that is easy to use at a high level while still providing flexibility. Developers can simply specify “AUTO” as the device to tell the application to select the best device for the given model. They can also control which device is selected by providing a device candidate list and setting priorities for each device. 

Developers can also use performance hints to configure their application for latency or throughput. When the performance hint is throughput, OpenVINO will create more streams for parallel inferencing to achieve maximum processing bandwidth. In latency mode, OpenVINO creates fewer streams to utilize as many resources as possible to complete each inference quickly. Performance hints also help determine the optimal batch size for inferencing; this is discussed further in the “Performance Hints” section of this document.

Improved first-inference latency

In applications that use accelerated processors like GPUs or VPUs, the time to first inference may be higher than average because it takes time to compile and load the deep learning model into the accelerator. AUTO solves this problem by starting the first inference with the CPU, which has minimal latency and no delays. As the first inference is being performed, AUTO continues to compile and load the model for the selected accelerator device, and then transparently switches over to that device when it is ready. This significantly reduces time to first inference, and is beneficial for applications that require immediate inference results on startup.

How Automatic Device Selection Works

To choose the best device for inference, AUTO discovers which hardware targets are available in the system and matches the model to the best supported device, using the following process:

  1. AUTO discovers which devices are available using the Query Device API. The query reads an internal file that lists installed hardware plugins, confirms the hardware modules are present by communicating with them through drivers, and returns a list of available devices in the system.

  2. AUTO checks the precision of the input model by reading the model file.

  3. AUTO selects the best available device in the device priority table (shown in Table 1 below) that is capable of supporting the model’s precision.

  4. AUTO attempts to compile the model on the selected device. If the model doesn’t compile (for example, if the device doesn’t support all the operations required by the model), AUTO tries to compile it on the next best device until compilation is successful. The CPU is the final fallback device, as it supports all operations and precisions.

By default, AUTO uses the device priority list shown in Table 1. Developers can customize the table to provide their own device priority list and limit the devices that are available to run inferencing. AUTO will not try to run inference on devices that are not provided in the device list.

Table 1. Default AUTO Device Priority List

Choice Priority Supported Device Supported Model Precision
dGPU (e.g., Intel® Flex 140) FP32, FP16, INT8, BIN
iGPU (e.g., Intel® Iris® Xe MAX) FP32, FP16, INT8*, BIN
Myriad™ X VPU (e.g., Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2) FP16
CPU (e.g., Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7) FP32, FP16, INT8, BIN

* INT8 models are supported on 11th and 12th generation iGPUs, such as Intel® Iris® Xe

As mentioned, AUTO reduces the first inference latency by compiling and loading the model to the CPU first. As the model is loaded to the CPU and first inference is performed, AUTO steps through the rest of the process for selecting the device and compiling the model to that device. This way, devices that require a long time for model compilation do not impede inference as the application is being initialized.

AUTO also provides a model priority feature that enables developers to control which models are loaded to which devices when there are multiple models running on a system with multiple devices. Developers can set “MODEL_PRIORITY” as “HIGH”, “MEDIUM”, or “LOW” to configure which models should be allocated to the best resource. This allows developers to ensure models that are critical for an application are always loaded to the fastest device for processing, while less critical models are loaded to slower devices.

For example, consider a medical imaging application with models for segmenting and/or classifying injuries in X-ray images running on a system that has both a GPU and a CPU. The segmentation model is set to HIGH priority because it takes more processing power to inference, while the classification model is set to MEDIUM priority. If both models are loaded at the same time, the segmentation model will be loaded to the GPU (the higher priority device) and the classification model will be loaded to the CPU (the lower priority device). If only the classification model is loaded, it will be loaded to the GPU since the GPU isn’t occupied by the higher-priority model.

Automatic Device Configuration

The performance of a deep learning application can be improved by configuring runtime parameters to fully utilize the target hardware. There are several factors to take into consideration when optimizing inference for a certain device, such as batch size and number of streams. (See Runtime Inference Optimizations in OpenVINO documentation for more information.) The optimal configuration for these parameters depends on the architecture and memory of the target hardware, and they need to be re-determined when porting an application from one device to another. 

OpenVINO provides features that automatically configure an application to use optimal runtime parameters to achieve the best performance on any supported hardware target. These features are enabled through performance hints, which allow a user to specify whether their application should be optimized for latency or throughput. The automatic configuration eliminates the time and effort required to determine optimal configurations. It makes it simple to port to new devices or write one application to work on multiple devices. OpenVINO’s automatic configuration features currently work with CPU and GPU devices, and support for VPUs will be added in a future release.

Performance Hints

OpenVINO allows users to provide high-level "performance hints" for setting latency-focused or throughput-focused inference modes. These performance hints are “latency” and “throughput.” The hints cause the runtime to automatically adjust runtime parameters, such as number of processing streams and inference batch size, to prioritize for reduced latency or high throughput. Performance hints are supported by CPU and GPU devices, and a future release of OpenVINO will add support for VPUs.

The performance hints do not require any device-specific settings and are portable between devices. Parameters are automatically configured based on whichever device is being used. This allows users to easily port applications between hardware targets without having to re-determine the best runtime parameters for the new device.

Latency performance hint

Latency is the amount of time it takes to process a single inference request and is usually measured in milliseconds (ms). In applications where data needs to be inferenced and acted on as quickly as possible (such as autonomous driving), low latency is desirable. When applications are run with the “latency” performance hint, OpenVINO determines the optimal number of parallel inference requests for minimizing latency while still maximizing the parallelization capabilities of the hardware. It automatically sets the number of processing streams to achieve the best latency.

To achieve the fastest latency, the processor device should process only one inference request at a time so all the compute resources are available for calculation. However, devices with multiple cores (such as multi-socket CPUs or multi-tile GPUs) can deliver multiple streams with the same latency as they would with a single stream. OpenVINO automatically checks the compute demands of the model, queries capabilities of the device, and selects the number of streams to be the minimum required to get the best latency. For CPUs, this is typically one stream for each socket. For GPUs, it’s typically one stream per tile.

Throughput performance hint

Throughput is the amount of data an inferencing pipeline can process at once, and it is usually measured in frames per second (FPS) or inferences per second. In applications where large amounts of data needs to be inferenced simultaneously (such as multi-camera video streams), high throughput is needed. To achieve high throughput, the runtime should focus on fully saturating the device with enough data to process. When applications are run with the “throughput” performance hint, OpenVINO maximizes the number of parallel inference requests to utilize all the threads available on the device. On GPU, it automatically sets the inference batch size to fill up the GPU memory available.

To configure the runtime for high throughput, OpenVINO automatically sets the number of streams to use based on the architecture of the device. For CPUs, it creates as many streams as there are cores available. For GPUs, it uses a combination of batch size and parallel streams to fully utilize the GPU’s memory and compute resources. To determine the optimal configuration on GPUs, OpenVINO will first check if the network supports batching. If it does, it loads the network with a batch size of one, determines how much memory is used for the single-batch network, and then scales the batch size and streams up to fill the entire GPU.

Batch size can also be explicitly specified in code when the model is loaded. This can be useful in applications where the number of incoming data sources is known and constant. For example, in an application that processes four camera streams, specify a batch size of four so that each set of frames from the cameras is processed in a single inference request. More information on batch configuration is given in the Auto-Batching section below.


Auto-Batching is a new feature of OpenVINO that performs on-the-fly grouping of data inference requests in an application. As the application makes individual inference requests, Auto-Batching transparently collects them into a batch. When the batch is full (or when a timeout limit is reached), OpenVINO executes inference on the whole batch. In short, it takes care of batching data efficiently so the developer doesn’t have to worry about it.

The Auto-Batching feature is controlled by the configuration parameter “ALLOW_AUTO_BATCHING”, which is enabled by default. Auto-Batching is activated when all of the following are true:

  • The model is loaded to the target device with the throughput performance hint
  • The target device supports batching (such as GPU)
  • The model topology supports batching

When Auto-Batching is activated, OpenVINO automatically determines the optimal batch size for an application based on model size and hardware capabilities. Developers can also explicitly specify the batch size when loading the model. While the inference pipeline is active, individual inference requests are gathered into a batch and then executed when the batch is full.

Auto-Batching also has a timeout feature that is configurable by the developer. If there aren’t enough individual requests collected within the developer-specified time limit, batch execution will fall back to just using individual inference requests. For example, a developer may specify a timeout limit of 500 ms and a batch size of 16 for a video processing inference pipeline. Once 16 frames are gathered, a batch inference request is made. If only 13 frames arrive before the 500 ms timeout is hit, the application will perform individual inference requests on each of the 13 frames. While the timeout feature makes the pipeline robust to interruptions in incoming data, hitting the timeout limit heavily reduces the performance. To avoid this, developers should make sure there is enough incoming data to fill the batch within the time limit in typical conditions.

Auto-Batching, when combined with OpenVINO's automatic configuration features that determine optimal batch size and number of streams, provides a powerful benefit to the developer. The developer can utilize the full power of the target device with only using one line of code. Best of all, when an application is used on a different device, it will automatically reconfigure itself to achieve optimal performance with zero effort from the developer.

How to Use AUTO and Performance Hints

Using AUTO and automatic configuration with performance hints only requires one line of code. The functionality centers around the “ie.compile_model” method, which is used to compile a model and load it into device memory. The method accepts various configuration parameters that allow a user to provide high-level control over the pipeline.

Here are several Python examples showing how to configure a model and pipeline with the ie.compile_model method. The first example also shows how to import the OpenVINO Core model, initialize it, and read a model before calling ie.compile_model.

Example 1. Load a model on AUTO device

from openvino.runtime import Core

ie = Core() # Initialize inference engine
model = ie.read_model(model="model.xml") # Read the model file

# Load model onto AUTO device
compiled_model = ie.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO")

Example 2. Load a model on AUTO device with performance hints

# Load model using the THROUGHPUT performance hint
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT":"THROUGHPUT"}

# Alternatively, load model using the LATENCY performance hint
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO", config={"PERFORMANCE_HINT":"LATENCY"})

Example 3. Provide a list of device candidates which AUTO may use when loading a model

# Specify that AUTO can use either the GPU or CPU device
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO:GPU,CPU")

Example 4. Load multiple models with HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW priorities

# Load three models and set them as HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW priority
compiled_model0 = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO", config={"MODEL_PRIORITY":"HIGH"})

compiled_model1 = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO", config={"MODEL_PRIORITY":"MEDIUM"})

compiled_model2 = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="AUTO", config={"MODEL_PRIORITY":"LOW"})

Example 5. Load a model to GPU and use Auto-Batching with an explicitly set batch size

# Load model to GPU in throughput mode, with batch size set to 4
# (i.e. Auto-Batching collects 4 individual batches and then runs them all at once)
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model, "BATCH:GPU(4)", {"PERFORMANCE_HINT": "THROUGHPUT"})

For a more in-depth example of how to use AUTO and automatic configuration, please visit the Automatic Device Selection with OpenVINO Jupyter notebook in the OpenVINO notebooks repository. It provides an end-to-end example that shows:

  1. How to download a model from Open Model Zoo and convert it to OpenVINO IR format with Model Optimizer
  2. How to load a model to AUTO device
  3. The improvement in first inference latency when using AUTO device
  4. How to perform asynchronous inferencing on data batches in throughput or latency mode
  5. A performance comparison between throughput and latency modes

The OpenVINO Benchmark App also serves as a useful tool for experimenting with devices and batching to see how performance changes under various configurations. The Benchmark App supports automatic device selection and performance hints for throughput or latency.

Where to Learn More

To learn more please visit auto device plugin and automatic configuration pages in OpenVINO documentation. They provide more information about how to use and configure them in an application.

OpenVINO also provides an example notebook explaining how to use AUTO and showing how it improves performance. The notebook can be downloaded and run on a development machine where OpenVINO Developer Tools have been installed. Visit the notebook at this link: Automatic Device Selection with OpenVINO.

To learn more about OpenVINO toolkit and how to use it to build optimized deep learning applications, visit the Get Started page. OpenVINO also provides a number of example notebooks showing how to use it for basic applications like object detection and speech recognition on the Tutorials page.


Deploy AI Inference with OpenVINO™ and Kubernetes

July 19, 2022


Model servers play a vital role in bringing AI models from development to production. Models are served via network endpoints which expose APIs to run predictions. These microservices abstract inference execution while providing scalability and efficient resource utilization.

In this blog, you will learn how to use key features of the OpenVINO™ Operator for Kubernetes. We will demonstrate how to deploy and use OpenVINO Model Server in two scenarios:

1. Serving a single model
2. Serving a pipeline of multiple models


Kubernetes provides an optimal environment for deploying model servers but managing these resources can be challenging in larger-scale deployments. Using our Operator for Kubernetes makes this easier.

Install via OperatorHub

The OpenVINO Operator can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster from the OperatorHub. Just search for OpenVINO and click the 'Install' button.


Serve a Single OpenVINO Model in Kubernetes

Create a new instance of OpenVINO Model Server by defining a custom resource called ModelServer using the provided CRD. All parameters are explained here.
In the sample below, a fully functional model server is deployed along with a ResNet-50 image classification model pulled from Google Cloud storage.

kubectl apply -f

A successful deployment will create a service called ovms-sample.

kubectl get service
ovms-sample ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP,8081/TCP 5m30s

Now that the model is deployed and ready for requests, we can use the ovms-sample service with our Python client known as ovmsclient.

Send Inference Requests to the Service

The example below shows how to use the ovms-sample service inside the same Kubernetes cluster where it’s running. To create a client container, launch an interactive session to a pod with Python installed:

kubectl create deployment client-test --image=python:3.8.13 -- sleep infinity
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pod -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}" -l app=client-test) -- bash

From inside the client container, we will connect to the model server API endpoints. A simple curl command lists the served models with their version and status:

curl http://ovms-sample:8081/v1/config
"resnet" : 
  "model_version_status": [
    "version": "1",
    "state": "AVAILABLE",
    "status": {
    "error_code": "OK",
    "error_message": "OK"

Additional REST API calls are described in the documentation.

Now let’s use the ovmsclient Python library to process an inference request. Create a virtual environment and install the client with pip:

python3 -m venv /tmp/venv
source /tmp/venv/bin/activate
pip install ovmsclient

Download a sample image of a zebra:

curl -o /tmp/zebra.jpeg

The Python code below collects the model metadata using the ovmsclient library:

from ovmsclient import make_grpc_client
client = make_grpc_client("ovms-sample:8080")
model_metadata = client.get_model_metadata(model_name="resnet")

The code above returns the following response:

{'model_version': 1, 'inputs': {'map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3:0': {'shape': [-1, -1, -1, -1], 'dtype': 'DT_FLOAT'}}, 'outputs': {'softmax_tensor': {'shape': [-1, 1001], 'dtype': 'DT_FLOAT'}}}

Now create a simple Python script to classify the JPEG image of the zebra :

cat >> /tmp/ <<EOL
from ovmsclient import make_grpc_client
import numpy as np
client = make_grpc_client("ovms-sample:8080")
with open("/tmp/zebra.jpeg", "rb") as f:
data =
inputs = {"map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3:0": data}
results = client.predict(inputs=inputs, model_name="resnet")
print("Detected class:", np.argmax(results))

python /tmp/
Detected class: 341

The detected class from imagenet is 341, which represents `zebra`.

Serve a Multi-Model Pipeline

Now that we have run a simple example of serving a single model, let’s explore the more advanced scenario of a multi-model vehicle analysis pipeline. This pipeline leverages the Directed Acyclic Graph feature in OpenVINO Model Server.

The remaining steps in this demo require `mc` minio client binary and access to an S3-compatible bucket. See the quick start with MinIO for more information about setting up S3 storage in your cluster.

First, prepare all dependencies using the vehicle analysis pipeline example below:

git clone
cd model_server/demos/vehicle_analysis_pipeline/python

The command above downloads the required models and builds a custom library to run the pipeline, then places these files in the workspace directory. Copy these files to a shared S3-compatible storage accessible within the cluster (like MinIO). In the example below, the S3 server alias is mys3:

mc cp --recursive workspace/vehicle-detection-0202 mys3/models-repository/
mc cp --recursive workspace/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042 mys3/models-repository/
mc ls -r mys3
43MiB models-repository/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042/1/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042.bin
118KiB models-repository/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042/1/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042.xml
7.1MiB models-repository/vehicle-detection-0202/1/vehicle-detection-0202.bin
331KiB models-repository/vehicle-detection-0202/1/vehicle-detection-0202.xml

To use the previously created model server config file in `workspace/config.json`, we need to adjust the paths to models and the custom node library. The commands below change the model paths to use our S3 bucket and the custom node library to `/config` directory which will be mounted as a Kubernetes configmap.

sed -i 's/\/workspace\/vehicle-detection-0202/s3:\/\/models-repository\/vehicle-detection-0202/g' workspace/config.json
sed -i 's/\/workspace\/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042/s3:\/\/models-repository\/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042/g' workspace/config.json
sed -i 's/workspace\/lib/config/g' workspace/config.json

Next, add both the config file and the custom name library to a Kubernetes config map:

kubectl create configmap ovms-pipeline --from-file=config.json=workspace/config.json \

Now we are ready to deploy the model server with the pipeline configuration. Use kubectl to apply the following ovms-pipeline.yaml configuration:

kind: ModelServer
  name: ovms-pipeline
  image_name: openvino/model_server:latest
    replicas: 1
    single_model_mode: false
    config_configmap_name: "ovms-pipeline"
    file_system_poll_wait_seconds: 0
    log_level: "INFO"
    grpc_port: 8080
    rest_port: 8081
    service_type: ClusterIP
storage_type: "s3"
    aws_access_key_id: minioadmin
    aws_secret_access_key: minioadmin
    aws_region: us-east-1
kubectl apply -f ovms-pipeline.yaml

This creates the model serving service

kubectl get service
ovms-pipeline ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP,8081/TCP 26m

To test the pipeline, we can use the same client container as the previous example with a single model. From inside the client container shell, download a sample image to analyze:

curl -o /tmp/road1.jpg
cat >> /tmp/ <<EOL
from ovmsclient import make_grpc_client
import numpy as np
client = make_grpc_client("ovms-pipeline:8080")
with open("/tmp/road1.jpg", "rb") as f:
data =
inputs = {"image": data}
results = client.predict(inputs=inputs, model_name="multiple_vehicle_recognition")
print("Returned outputs:",results.keys())

Run a prediction using the following command:

python /tmp/
Returned outputs: dict_keys(['colors', 'vehicle_coordinates', 'types', 'vehicle_images', 'confidence_levels'])

The sample code above returns a list of the pipeline outputs without data interpretation. More complete client code samples for vehicle analysis are available on GitHub.


OpenVINO Model Server makes it easy to deploy and manage inference as a service in Kubernetes environments. In this blog, we learned how to run predictions using the ovmsclient Python library with both a single model scenario and with multiple models using a DAG pipeline.

Learn more about the OpenVINO Operator:

Check out our other model serving demos.


Enable OpenVINO™ Optimization for GroundingDINO

Authors: Wenyi Zou, Xiake Sun


GroundingDINO introduces a language-guided query selection module to enhance object detection using input text. This module selects relevant features from image and text inputs and uses them as decoder queries. In this blog, we provide the OpenVINO™ optimization for GroundingDINO on Intel® platforms.

The public GroundingDINO project is referenced from: GroundingDINO

The GroundingDINO refer the model structure in below picture:

Figure 1. The framework of Grounding DINO. We present the overall framework, a feature enhancer layer, and a decoder layer in block 1,block 2, and block 3,respectively.

OpenVINO™ backend on GroundingDINO

In this project, you do not require to download OpenVINO™ and build the library with GroundingDINO project manually. It’s already fully integrated with OpenVINO™ runtime library for downloading, program compiling and linking.

At present, this repository already optimized and validated by OpenVINO™ 2023.1.0.dev20230811 version. Check the operating system which can support OpenVINO™ runtime library directly:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 long-term support     (LTS), 64-bit (Kernel 5.15+)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 long-term support     (LTS), 64-bit (Kernel 5.15+)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 long-term support     (LTS) with limitations, 64-bit (Kernel 5.4+)
  • Windows* 10 
  • Windows* 11 
  • macOS* 10.15 and above,     64-bit 
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux* 8,     64-bit

Step 1: Install system dependency and setup environment

Create and enable python virtual environment

conda create -n ov_py310 python=3.10 -y
conda activate ov_py310

Clone the GroundingDINO repository from GitHub

git clone -b wenyi5608-openvino

Change the current directory to the GroundingDINO folder

cd GroundingDINO/

Install python dependency

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install openvino==2023.1.0.dev20230811 openvino-dev==2023.1.0.dev20230811 onnx onnxruntime

Install the required dependencies in the current directory

pip install -e .

Download pre-trained model weights

mkdir weights
cd weights/
wget -q
cd ..

Step 2: Export to OpenVINO™ models

python demo/ -c groundingdino/config/ -p weights/groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth -o weights/

Step 3: Simple inference test with PyTorch and OpenVINO™

Inference with PyTorch

python demo/ \
-c groundingdino/config/ \
-p weights/groundingdino_swint_ogc.pth \
-i .asset/demo7.jpg \
-t "Horse. Clouds. Grasses. Sky. Hill." \
-o logs/1111 \

Inference with OpenVINO™

python demo/ \
-c groundingdino/config/ \
-p weights/groundingdino.xml \
-i .asset/demo7.jpg  \
-t " Horse. Clouds. Grasses. Sky. Hill."  \
-o logs/2222 -d CPU
Figure2. Detection Prompt: “Horse. Clouds. Grasses. Sky. Hill.”, Visualization of OpenVINO™(left) and PyTorch(right) model output.

Accelerate Inference of Sparse Transformer Models with OpenVINO™ and 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

Authors: Alexander Kozlov, Vui Seng Chua, Yujie Pan, Rajesh Poornachandran, Sreekanth Yalachigere, Dmitry Gorokhov, Nilesh Jain, Ravi Iyer, Yury Gorbachev


When it comes to the inference of overparametrized Deep Neural Networks, perhaps, weight pruning is one of the most popular and promising techniques that is used to reduce model footprint, decrease the memory throughput required for inference, and finally improve performance. Since Language Models (LMs) are highly overparametrized and contain lots of MatMul operations with weights it looks natural to prune the redundant weights and benefit from sparsity at inference time. There are several types of pruning methods available:

  • Fine-grained pruning (single weights).
  • Coarse pruning: group-level pruning (groups of weights), vector pruning (rows in weights matrices), and filter pruning (filters in ConvNets).

Contemporary Language Models are basically represented by Transformer-based architectures. Using coarse pruning methods for such models is problematic because of the many connections between the layers. This trait means that, first, not every pruning type is applicable to such models and, second, pruning of some dimension in one layer requires adjustments in the rest of the layers connected to it.

Fine-grained sparsity does not have such a constraint and can be applied to each layer independently. However, it requires special support on the HW and inference SW level to get real performance improvements from weight sparsity. There are two main approaches that help to leverage from weight sparsity at inference:

  • Skip multiplication and addition for zero weights in dot products of weights and activations. This usually results in a special instruction set that implements such logic.
  • Weights compression/decompression to reduce the memory throughput. Compression is performed at the model load/compilation stage while decompression happens on the fly right before the computation when weights are in the cache. Such a method can be implemented on the HW or SW level.

In this blog post, we focus on the SW weight decompression method and showcase the end-to-end workflow from model optimization to deployment with OpenVINO.

Sparsity support in OpenVINO

Starting from OpenVINO 2022.3release, OpenVINO runtime contains a feature that enables weights compression/decompression that can lead to performance improvement on the 4thGen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. However, there are some prerequisites that should be considered to enable this feature during the model deployment:

  • Currently, this feature is available only to MatMul operations with weights (Fully-connected layers). So currently, there is no support for sparse Convolutional layers or other operations.
  • MatMul layers should contain a high level of weights sparsity, for example, 80% or higher which is achievable, especially for large Transformer models trained on simple tasks such as Text Classification.
  • The deployment scenario should be memory-bound. For example, this prerequisite is applicable to cloud deployment when there are multiple containers running inference of the same model in parallel and competing for the same RAM and CPU resources.

The first two prerequisites assume that the model is pruned using special optimization methods designed to introduce sparsity in weight matrices. It is worth noting that pruning methods require model fine-tuning on the target dataset in order to reduce accuracy degradation caused by zeroing out weights within the model. It assumes the availability of the HW capable of DL model training. Nowadays, many frameworks and libraries offer such methods. For example, PyTorch provides some capabilities for NN pruning. There are also resources that offer pre-trained sparse models that can be used as a starting point, for example, SparseZoo from Neural Magic.

OpenVINO also provides instruments for DL model pruning implemented in Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF) that is aimed specifically for model optimization and offers different optimization options: from post-training optimization to deep compression when stacking several optimization methods. NNCF is also integrated into Hugging Face Optimum library which is designed to optimize NLP models from Hugging Face Hub.

Using only sparsity is not so beneficial compared to another popular optimization method such as bit quantization which can guarantee better performance-accuracy trade-offs after optimization in the general case. However, the good thing about sparsity is that it can be stacked with 8-bit quantization so that the performance improvements of one method reinforce the optimization effect of another one leading to a higher cumulative speedup when applying both. Considering this, OpenVINO runtime provides an acceleration feature for sparse and 8-bit quantized models. The runtime flow is shown in the scheme below:

Below, we demonstrate two end-to-end workflows:

  • Pruning and 8-bit quantization of the floating-point BERT model using Hugging Face Optimum and NNCF as an optimization backend.
  • Quantization of sparse BERT model pruned with 3rd party optimization solution.

Both workflows end up with inference using OpenVINO API where we show how to turn on a runtime option that allows leveraging from sparse weights.

Pruning and 8-bit quantization with Hugging Face Optimum and NNCF

This flow assumes that there is a Transformer model coming from the Hugging Face Transformers library that is fine-tuned for a downstream task. In this example, we will consider the text classification problem, in particular the SST2 dataset from the GLUE benchmark, and the BERT-base model fine-tuned for it. To do the optimization, we used an Optimum-Intel library which contains the optimization capabilities based on the NNCF framework and is designed for inference with OpenVINO. You can find the exact characteristics and steps to reproduce the result in this model card on the Hugging Face Hub. The model is 80% sparse and 8-bit quantized.

To run a pre-optimized model you can use the following code from this notebook:

from pathlib import Path

from import OVModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

model_id = "OpenVINO/bert-base-uncased-sst2-int8-unstructured80"
ov_model = OVModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

Quantization of already pruned model

In case if you deal with already pruned model, you can use Post-Training Quantization from the Optimum-Intel library to make it 8-bit quantized as well. The code snippet below shows how to quantize the sparse BERT model optimized for MNLI dataset using Neural Magic SW solution. This model is publicly available so that we download it using Optimum API and quantize on fly using calibration data from MNLI dataset. The code snippet below shows how to do that.

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from datasets import load_dataset
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer

from import OVQuantizer
from import OVConfig

model_id = "neuralmagic/oBERT-12-downstream-pruned-unstructured-90-mnli"
quantized_sparse_dir = Path("bert_90_sparse_quantized")

# Instantiate model and tokenizer in PyTorch and load them from the HF Hub
torch_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)

def preprocess_function(examples, tokenizer):
    Define a function that tokenizes the data and returns it in the format expected by the model.
    :param: examples: a dictionary containing the input data which are the items from caliration dataset.
            tokenizer: a tokenizer object that is used to tokenize the text data.
            the data that can be fed directly to the model.
    return tokenizer(
        examples["premise"], examples["hypothesis"], padding="max_length", max_length=128, truncation=True

# Create quantization config (default) and OVQuantizer
# OVConfig is a wrapper class on top of NNCF config. 
# Use "compression" field to control quantization parameters
# For more information about the parameters refer to NNCF GitHub documentatioin
quantization_config = OVConfig()
quantizer = OVQuantizer.from_pretrained(torch_model, feature="sequence-classification")

# Instantiate a dataset and convert it to calibration dataset using HF API
# The latter one produces a model input
dataset = load_dataset("glue", "mnli")
calibration_dataset = quantizer.get_calibration_dataset(
    preprocess_function=partial(preprocess_function, tokenizer=tokenizer),
# Apply static quantization and export the resulting quantized model to OpenVINO IR format
    quantization_config=quantization_config, calibration_dataset=calibration_dataset, save_directory=quantized_sparse_dir

Enabling sparsity optimization inOpenVINO Runtime and 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

Once you get ready with the sparse quantized model you can use the latest advances of the OpenVINO runtime to speed up such models. The model compression feature is enabled in the runtime at the model compilation step using a special option called: “CPU_SPARSE_WEIGHTS_DECOMPRESSION_RATE”. Its value controls the minimum sparsity rate that MatMul operation should have to be optimized at inference time. This property is passed to the compile_model API as it is shown below:

from openvino.runtime import Core

core = Core()
model = core.read_model(model="path_to_model_xml")
# MatMul layers with higher sparsity rate than 80% are optimized
compiled_model = core.compile_model(model=model, device_name="CPU", config=configuration)

An important note is that a high sparsity rate is required to see the performance benefit from this feature. And we note again that this feature is available only on the 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and it is basically for throughput-oriented scenarios. To simulate such a scenario, you can use the benchmark_app application supplied with OpenVINO distribution and limit the number of resources available for inference. Below we show the performance difference between the two runs sparsity optimization in the runtime:

  • Benchmarking without sparsity optimization:
# Dump benchmarking config for dense inference
with open("perf_config.json", "w") as outfile:
            "CPU": {"NUM_STREAMS": 4, "INFERENCE_NUM_THREADS": 4}
benchmark_app -m bert_90_sparse_quantized/openvino_model.xml -shape "input_ids[1,16],attention_mask[1,16],token_type_ids[1,16]" -load_config perf_config.json
  • Benchmarking when sparsity optimization is enabled:
# Dump benchmarking config for sparse inference
with open("perf_config_sparse.json", "w") as outfile:
benchmark_app -m bert_90_sparse_quantized/openvino_model.xml -shape "input_ids[1,16],attention_mask[1,16],token_type_ids[1,16]" -load_config perf_config_sparse.json

Performance Results

We performed a benchmarking of our sparse and 8-bit quantized BERT model on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors with various settings. We ran two series of experiments where we vary the number of parallel threads and streams available for the asynchronous inference in the first experiments and we investigate how the sequence length impact the relative speedup in the second series of experiments.

The table below shows relative speedup for various combinations of number of streams and threads and at the fixed sequence length after enabling sparsity acceleration in the OpenVINO runtime.

Based on this, we can conclude that one can expect significant performance improvement with any number of streams/threads larger than one. The optimal performance is achieved at eight streams/threads. However, we would like to note that this is model specific and depends on the model architecture and sparsity distribution.

The chart below also shows the relationship between the possible acceleration and the sequence length.

As you can see the benefit from sparsity is decreasing with the growth of the sequence length processed by the model. This effect can be explained by the fact that for larger sequence lengths the size of the weights is no longer a performance bottleneck and weight compression does not have so much impact on the inference time. It means that such a weight sparsity acceleration feature does not suit well for large text processing tasks but could be very helpful for Question Answering, Sequence Classification, and similar tasks.


  • Jupyter notebook with the performance benchmarks.
  • Model card for sparse and quantized BERT-base model

Serving OpenVINO Models using the KServe API Standard

There are many network API specifications for model serving on the market today. Two of the most popular are TensorFlow Serving (TFS) and KServe. Starting with the 2022.2 release, OpenVINO Model Server supports KServe -- meaning both of these common API standards can be used for serving OpenVINO models. This blog explains how to take advantage of either API.

OpenVINO provides an efficient and high-performance runtime for executing deep learning inference. In many situations, AI applications need to delegate inference execution to a remote device or service over a network. There are many advantages to this approach including the ability to scale.

Figure 1. Example of a client sending image input to a model server for image classification.

AI software developers expect the communication interface with a model server to remain stable. In many cases, developers want to perform pre/post-processing on the client side with minimal dependencies. They are reluctant to switch to a different serving implementation if that requires substantial code changes or new dependencies in their applications.

Since the first release in 2018, OpenVINO Model Server has supported the TFS API. And as of 2022, the KServe API is now supported as well.

KServe is a standard designed by several companies across the industry. It has been adopted by model servers like Triton Inference Server and TorchServe. Now the same client can easily switch to use OpenVINO Model Server and leverage the latest optimizations in Intel(R) CPUs and GPUs.

KServe Python Example

Below is a simple example how to use KServe using the Python-based tritonclient.

Create Model Repository

wget{xml,bin} -P models/resnet/1
tree models
	└── resnet
		└── 1        

Start OpenVINO Model Server with a ResNet-50 Model:

docker run --rm -d -v $(pwd)/models:/models -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 openvino/model_server:latest --model_name resnet --model_path /models/resnet --port 9000 --rest_port 8000 --layout NHWC:NCHW --plugin_config '{"PERFORMANCE_HINT":"LATENCY"}'

Install Python Client Library

pip install tritonclient[grpc]==2.22.3

Get the Model Metadata

import tritonclient.grpc as grpcclientclient = grpcclient.InferenceServerClient("localhost:9000")print(client.get_model_metadata("resnet"))

Get a Sample Image


JPEG image of a bee

Run Inference via gRPC Interface with a NumPy File as Input Data

pip install opencv-python
import tritonclient.grpc as grpcclient
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread("bee.jpeg").astype(np.float32)
img = cv2.resize(img, (224, 224))
img = img.reshape(1,224,224,3)
triton_client = grpcclient.InferenceServerClient("localhost:9000")
inputs =[grpcclient.InferInput("0", img.shape, "FP32")]
results = triton_client.infer(model_name="resnet", inputs=inputs)
probabilities = results.as_numpy('1463')

Run Inference via REST Interface with a JPEG File as Input Data

pip install requests
import requests
import json
import numpy as np

image = open("bee.jpeg", 'rb')
image_data = []

http_session = requests.session()
inference_header = {"inputs":[{"name":"0","shape":[1],"datatype":"BYTES"}]}
inference_header_binary = json.dumps(inference_header).encode()
results ="http://localhost:8000/v2/models/resnet/versions/0/infer", inference_header_binary + b''.join(image_data), headers={"Inference-Header-Content-Length":str(len(inference_header_binary))})
probabilities = np.array(json.loads(results.text)['outputs'][0]['data'])


Run Inference via REST Interface with a JPEG File as Input Data using cURL

echo -n '{"inputs" : [{"name" : "0", "shape" : [1], "datatype" : "BYTES"}]}' > request.json
stat --format=%s request.json
cat ./bee.jpeg >> request.json
curl --data-binary "@./request.json" -X POST http://localhost:8000/v2/models/resnet/versions/0/infer -H "Inference-Header-Content-Length: 66"

KServe C++ Example

The inference execution is also made easy in C++ based client applications. The examples below show client application execution based on the Triton C++ client library.

Build the Samples:

git clone –b develop
cd model_server/client/cpp/kserve-api 
cmake . && make && cd samples


Get the Model Metadata

The compiled application grpc_model_metadata can make a call to gRPC endpoint and query for a server model metadata.

./grpc_model_metadata --grpc_port 9000 --grpc_address localhost --model_name resnet
model metadata:
name: "resnet"
versions: "1"
platform: "OpenVINO"
inputs {
  name: "0"
  datatype: "FP32"
  shape: 1
  shape: 224
  shape: 224
  shape: 3
outputs {
  name: "1463"
  datatype: "FP32"
  shape: 1
  shape: 1000

Run Inference via gRPC with a JPEG Encoded File as the Input Data

The sample application grpc_infer_resnet is sending the inference requests for a set of images listed inresnet_input_images.txt including their expected classification number in the ImageNet dataset.

./grpc_infer_resnet --images_list resnet_input_images.txt --labels_list resnet_labels.txt --grpc_port 9000  

airliner.jpeg classified as 404 airliner 
arctic-fox.jpeg classified as 279 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus 
bee.jpeg classified as 309 bee 
golden_retriever.jpeg classified as 207 golden retriever 
gorilla.jpeg classified as 366 gorilla, Gorilla gorilla 
magnetic_compass.jpeg classified as 635 magnetic compass 
peacock.jpeg classified as 84 peacock 
pelican.jpeg classified as 144 pelican 
snail.jpeg classified as 113 snail 
zebra.jpeg classified as 340 zebra 
Accuracy 100%

======Client Statistics======
Completed request count 10
Cumulative total request time 110.314 ms

In addition to the KServe API, the TFS API can still be used by client applications. This gives you the option to use a range of client libraries like tensorflow-serving-api or the much lighter and simplified ovmsclient.

To help you get started, we provide samples in Python, C++, Java and Go:

In conclusion, it is now easier to connect and AI applications to OpenVINO Model Server. In existing applications, you can even use the same code to take advantage of the benefits of OpenVINO.