Reduce OpenVINO Model Server Latency with In-Process C-API

Starting with the 2022.3 release, OpenVINO Model Server (OVMS) provides a C-API that allows OVMS to be linked directly into a C/C++ application as a dynamic library. Existing AI applications can leverage serving functionalities while running inference locally without networking latency overhead.  

The ability to bypass gRPC/REST endpoints and send input data directly from in-process memory creates new opportunities to use OpenVINO locally while maintaining the benefits of model serving. For example, we can combine the benefits of using OpenVINO Runtime with model configuration, version management and support for both local and cloud model storage.

Figure 1. High Level Diagram of C-API Usage

OpenVINO Model Server is typically started as a separate process or run in a container where the client application communicates over a network connection. Now, as you can see above, it is possible to link the model server as a shared library inside the client application and use the internal C API to execute internal inference methods.

We demonstrate the concept in a simple example below and show the impact on latency.

Example C-API Usage

NOTE: complete end to end inference demonstration via C-API with example app can be found here:  

To start using the Model Server C-API, we need to prepare a model and configuration file. Download an example dummy model from our GitHub repo and prepare a config.json file to serve this model. “Dummy” model adds value 1 to all numbers inside an input.

Download Model

wget{xml,bin} -P models/dummy/1

Create Config File

    "model_config_list": [ 
        {"config": { 
                "name": "dummy", 
                "base_path": "./models/dummy"}} 


Next, download and unpack the OVMS library. The library can be obtained from GitHub release page. There are 2 packages – one for Ubuntu 20 and one for RedHat 8.7. There is also documentation showing how to build the library from source. For purpose of this demo, we will use the Ubuntu version:

wget && tar -xvf ovms_ubuntu.tar.gz

Start Server

To start the server, use ServerStartFromConfigurationFile. There are many options, all of which are documented in the header file. Let’s launch the server with configuration file and optional log level error:

OVMS_ServerSettings* serverSettings; 
OVMS_ModelsSettings* modelsSettings; 
OVMS_Server* srv; 
OVMS_ServerSettingsSetLogLevel(serverSettings, OVMS_LOG_ERROR);  // Make the serving silent 
OVMS_ModelsSettingsSetConfigPath(modelsSettings, "./config.json");  // Previously created file 
OVMS_ServerStartFromConfigurationFile(srv, serverSettings, modelsSettings);  // Start the server 

Input Data Preparation

Use OVMS_InferenceRequestInputSetData call, to provide input data with no additional copy operation. In InferenceRequestNew call, we can specify model name (the same as defined in config.json) and specific version (or 0 to use default). We also need to pass input names, data precision and shape information. In the example we provide 10 subsequent floating-point numbers, starting from 0.

const char* MODEL_NAME = "dummy"; 
const uint64_t MODEL_VERSION = 1; 
const char* INPUT_NAME = "b"; 
constexpr size_t NUM_OF_ELEMENTS = 10; 
constexpr std::array SHAPE = {1, NUM_OF_ELEMENTS}; 
OVMS_InferenceRequest* request; 
OVMS_InferenceRequestNew(&request, srv, MODEL_NAME, MODEL_VERSION); 
OVMS_InferenceRequestAddInput(request, INPUT_NAME, OVMS_DATATYPE_FP32,, SHAPE.size()); 
std::array data{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; 
OVMS_InferenceRequestInputSetData(request, INPUT_NAME,, sizeof(data), OVMS_BUFFERTYPE_CPU, 0); 

Invoke Synchronous Inference

Simply call OVMS_Inference. This is required to pass response pointer and receive results in the next steps.

OVMS_InferenceResponse* response; 
OVMS_Inference(srv, request, &response); 

Read Results

Use call OVMS_InferenceResponseGetOutput API call to read the results. There are bunch of metadata we can read optionally, such as: precision, shape, buffer type and device ID. The expected output after addition should be:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
const char* outputName; 
OVMS_DataType dataType; 
const uint64_t* shape; 
uint32_t dimCount; 
const void* outputData; 
size_t byteSize; 
OVMS_BufferType bufferType; 
uint32_t deviceId; 
OVMS_InferenceResponseGetOutput(response, 0, 
        &outputName, &dataType, &shape, &dimCount, &outputData, &byteSize, &bufferType, &deviceId); 
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_ELEMENTS; i++) 
std::cout << ((float*)outputData)[i] << ", "; 
std::cout << std::endl;

Check the header file to learn more about the supported methods and their parameters.

Compile and Run Application

In this example we omitted error handling and resource cleanup upon failure. Please refer to the full demo instructions for a more complete example.

Performance Analysis

Using benchmarking tools from OpenVINO Runtime and both the C-API and gRPC API in OpenVINO Model Server, we can compare inference results via C-API to typical scenario of gRPC or direct integration of OpenVINO Runtime. The Resnet-50-tf model from Open Model Zoo was used for the testing below.

Figure 2. Inference Latency Measurement for ResNet-50 with each deployment option (lower is better)
Figure 2. Inference Latency Measurement for ResNet-50 with each deployment option (lower is better)

Hardware configuration used:

- 1-node, Intel Xeon Gold 6252 @ 2.10GHz processor with 256GB (8 slots/16GB/2666) total DDR memory, HT on, Turbo on, Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS,5.4.0-109-generic kernel

- Intel S2600WFT motherboard

Tested by Intel on 01/31/2023.


With the new method of embedding OVMS into C++ applications, users can decrease inference latency even further by entirely skipping the networking part of model serving. The C-API is still in preview and has some limitations, but in its current state is ready to integrate into C++ applications. If you have questions or feedback, please file an issue on GitHub.

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