OpenVINO GenAI Serving (OGS) update

Authors: Xiake Sun, Su Yang, Tianmeng Chen, Tong Qiu

openvino.genai/samples/cpp/rag_sample at openvino_genai_serving · sammysun0711/openvino.genai (

OpenVINO GenAI Server (OGS) Update:

-Update LLM: stream generation, reset handle, multi-round chat, model cache config

-Support VLM

-Support Reranker for RAG sample

-Support BLIP image embedding for photo search with DB

-Support C++ GUI with imgui for photo search


Now we scale the text embedding to image embedding for RAG sample and support multi-Vector Retriever for RAG.

  1. Multi-Vector Retriever for RAG on text: QA over Document
  2. Multi-Vector Retriever for RAG on image: Photo search with DB retrieval

Here is a photo search sample with image embedding.

Usage 2: Photo Search with DB retrieval


1.use python client to create image vector DB (PostgreSQL)

2.use GUI to search image

Here is a sample image to demonstrate GUI usage on client platform. we search the bus photo with top 10 similar images from the 100 images which are embedded into Vector DB.

Photo Search GUI

Usage 3: Chat with images via MiniCPM-V

Once we have created a multimodal vector DB through image embedding, we can further communicate with the image through VLM.

We integrate the C++ GenAI sample visual_language_chat with openbmb/MiniCPM-V-2_6.

Here is the demo image on client platform.

VLM Serving