moondream2 model enabling with OpenVINO


moondream2 is a small vision language model designed to run efficiently on edge devices. Although the model has a small number of parameters, it provides high-performance visual processing capabilities. It can quickly understand and process input images and respond to user queries. The model was developed by VikhyatK and is released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, allowing for commercial use.

You can find more information on github repository:

OpenVINOTM backend on moondream2

Step 1: Install system dependency and setup environment

Create and enable python virtual environment

conda create -n ov_py310 python=3.10 -y
conda activate ov_py310


Clone themoondream2-ov repository from gitHub

git clone
cd moondream2-ov


Install python dependency

pip install -r requirement.txt
pip install --pre -U openvino openvino-tokenizers --extra-index-url


Step 2: Get HuggingFace model

git lfs install
git clone
git checkout 48be9138e0faaec8802519b1b828350e33525d46


Step 3: Export OpenVINO™ models and simple inference test with OpenVINO™

python3 -m /path/to/moondream2 -o /path/to/moondream2_ov


Question: Describe this image.


The image shows a modern white desk with a laptop, a lamp, and a notebook on it, set against a gray wall and a wooden floor.