Apply dynamic LoRA into Stable Diffusion v1.5 with OpenVINO
LoRA, or Low-Rank Adaptation, reduces the number of trainable parameters by learning pairs of rank-decompostion matrices while freezing the original weights. This vastly reduces the storage requirement for large language models adapted to specific tasks and enables efficient task-switching during deployment all without introducing inference latency. Thus for a basic large model, the task scenarios of the model can be changed by different LoRAs. In a previous blog, it has been described how to convert the LoRAs-fused base model from pytorch to OpenVINO IR, but this method has the shortcoming of not being able to dynamically switch between LoRAs, which happen to be famous for their flexibility.
This blog will introduce how to implement the dynamic switching of LoRAs in a trick way. Specifically, for most of the tasks, the structure of the base model and LoRAs is unchanged, what changes is the task-specific LoRAs weights, and we can use these LoRAs weights as inputs to the model to achieve the dynamic switching function. All the code involved in this blog can be found here.

1. Environment preparation
# %python -m venv stable-diffusion-lora
# %source stable-diffusion-lora/bin/activate
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Convert and inference
you should first change the lora file path and configs at first around line 478 in, after run python ov_model_, you will get related OpenVINO IR model. Then you can run
3. Codes explanation
The most important part is the code in, which is used to modify the model graph and load lora.
Function load_lora(lora_path, DEVICE_NAME) is used to load lora, get lora's shape and weights per layers and modify each layer's name.
def load_lora(lora_path, DEVICE_NAME):
state_dict = load_file(lora_path)
for key, value in state_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
value_fp32 = value.type(torch.float32)
state_dict[key] = value_fp32
layers_per_block = 2#TODO
state_dict = _maybe_map_sgm_blocks_to_diffusers(state_dict, layers_per_block)
state_dict, network_alphas = _convert_non_diffusers_lora_to_diffusers(state_dict)
# now keys in format like: ""'
new_state_dict = {}
for key , value in state_dict.items():
if len(value.shape)==4:
# new_value = torch.reshape(value, (value.shape[0],value.shape[1]))
new_value = torch.squeeze(value)
new_value = value
new_state_dict[key.replace('.', '_').replace('_processor','')] = new_value
# now keys in format like: "unet_up_blocks_0_attentions_2_transformer_blocks_8_ff_net_2_lora_down_weight"'
LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_2_ENCODER = "text_encoder_2"
lora_text_encoder_input_value_dict = {}
lora_text_encoder_2_input_value_dict = {}
lora_unet_input_value_dict = {}
lora_alpha = collections.Counter(network_alphas.values()).most_common()[0][0]
for key in new_state_dict.keys():
if LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_ENCODER in key and "lora_down" in key and LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_2_ENCODER not in key:
layer_infos = key.split(LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_ENCODER + "_")[-1]
lora_text_encoder_input_value_dict[layer_infos] = new_state_dict[key]
lora_text_encoder_input_value_dict[layer_infos.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")] = new_state_dict[key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")]
elif LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_2_ENCODER in key and "lora_down" in key:
layer_infos = key.split(LORA_PREFIX_TEXT_2_ENCODER + "_")[-1]
lora_text_encoder_2_input_value_dict[layer_infos] = new_state_dict[key]
lora_text_encoder_2_input_value_dict[layer_infos.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")] = new_state_dict[key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")]
elif LORA_PREFIX_UNET in key and "lora_down" in key:
layer_infos = key.split(LORA_PREFIX_UNET + "_")[-1]
lora_unet_input_value_dict[layer_infos] = new_state_dict[key]
lora_unet_input_value_dict[layer_infos.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")] = new_state_dict[key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")]
#now the keys in format without prefix
return lora_text_encoder_input_value_dict, lora_text_encoder_2_input_value_dict, lora_unet_input_value_dict, lora_alpha
Function add_param(model, lora_input_value_dict) is used to add input parameter per names of related layers, which will be connected to model with manager.register_pass(InsertLoRAUnet(input_param_dict)) and manager.register_pass(InsertLoRATE(input_param_dict)), in these two classes, we search the whole model graph to find the related layers by their names and connect them with lora.
def add_param(model, lora_input_value_dict):
param_list = []
for key, value in lora_input_value_dict.items():
if '_lora_down' in key:
key_down = key
key_up = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_up')
name_alpha = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_alpha')
lora_alpha = ops.parameter(shape='',name=name_alpha)
# lora_down = ops.parameter(shape=[-1, lora_input_value_dict[key_down].shape[-1]], name=key_down)
lora_down = ops.parameter(shape=lora_input_value_dict[key_down].shape, name=key_down)
# lora_up = ops.parameter(shape=[lora_input_value_dict[key_up].shape[0], -1], name=key_up)
lora_up = ops.parameter(shape=lora_input_value_dict[key_up].shape, name=key_up)
class InsertLoRAUnet(MatcherPass):
def __init__(self, input_param_dict):
self.model_changed = False
param = WrapType("opset10.Convert")
def callback(matcher: Matcher) -> bool:
root = matcher.get_match_root()
root_output = matcher.get_match_value()
for key in input_param_dict.keys():
if root.get_friendly_name().replace('.','_').replace('self_unet_','') == key.replace('_lora_down','').replace('to_out','to_out_0'):
key_down = key
key_up = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_up')
key_alpha = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_alpha')
consumers = root_output.get_target_inputs()
lora_up_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_up)
lora_down_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_down)
lora_alpha_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_alpha)
lora_weights = ops.matmul(data_a=lora_up_node, data_b=lora_down_node, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, name=key.replace('_down',''))
lora_weights_alpha = ops.multiply(lora_alpha_node, lora_weights)
if len(root.shape)!=len(lora_weights_alpha.shape):
# lora_weights_alpha_reshape = ops.reshape(lora_weights_alpha, root.shape, special_zero=False)
lora_weights_alpha_reshape = ops.unsqueeze(lora_weights_alpha, axes=[2, 3])
add_lora = ops.add(root,lora_weights_alpha_reshape,auto_broadcast='numpy')
add_lora = ops.add(root,lora_weights_alpha,auto_broadcast='numpy')
for consumer in consumers:
return True
# Root node wasn't replaced or changed
return False
self.register_matcher(Matcher(param,"InsertLoRAUnet"), callback)
class InsertLoRATE(MatcherPass):
def __init__(self, input_param_dict):
self.model_changed = False
param = WrapType("opset10.Convert")
def callback(matcher: Matcher) -> bool:
root = matcher.get_match_root()
root_output = matcher.get_match_value()
root_name = None
if 'Constant_' in root.get_friendly_name() and root.shape == ov.Shape([768,768]):
target_input = root.output(0).get_target_inputs()
for v in target_input:
for input_of_MatMul in v.get_node().inputs():
if input_of_MatMul.get_shape()== ov.Shape([1,77,768]):
Add_Node = input_of_MatMul.get_source_output().get_node()
for Add_Node_output in Add_Node.output(0).get_target_inputs():
if 'k_proj' in Add_Node_output.get_node().get_friendly_name():
for i in Add_Node_output.get_node().inputs():
if i.get_shape() == ov.Shape([768,768]) and 'k_proj' in i.get_source_output().get_node().get_friendly_name():
root_name = i.get_source_output().get_node().get_friendly_name().replace('k_proj', 'q_proj')
root_friendly_name = root_name if root_name else root.get_friendly_name()
for key in input_param_dict.keys():
if root_friendly_name.replace('.','_').replace('self_','') == key.replace('_lora_down','_proj').replace('_to','').replace('_self',''):
# print(root_friendly_name)
key_down = key
key_up = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_up')
key_alpha = key_down.replace('_lora_down','_lora_alpha')
consumers = root_output.get_target_inputs()
lora_up_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_up)
lora_down_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_down)
lora_alpha_node = input_param_dict.pop(key_alpha)
lora_weights = ops.matmul(data_a=lora_up_node, data_b=lora_down_node, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, name=key.replace('_down',''))
lora_weights_alpha = ops.multiply(lora_alpha_node, lora_weights)
add_lora = ops.add(root,lora_weights_alpha,auto_broadcast='numpy')
for consumer in consumers:
return True
if len(input_param_dict) == 0:
print("All loras are added")
# Root node wasn't replaced or changed
return False
self.register_matcher(Matcher(param,"InsertLoRATE"), callback)
4. GenAI
In addition to this, the latest OpenVINO GenAI provides the Cpp API for LoRA. You can find it here.